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13 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 45—Psalms 56-57

Study 45 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 56-57

These two psalms are closely connected and, according to their titles, should be read against the background of 1 Sa. 21:10-22:1.
  1. In these two psalms how does David (a) describe the trials by which he is surrounded, and (b) express his confidence in God?
  2. What does David confess that God has done, and can do, for him and in what ways does he say that he will show his gratitude? How far can you make some of the words of these psalms your own?
    Note. Ps. 56:8. Cf. Mt. 10:30.

12 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 44—Psalm 55

Study 44 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 55

  1. Of the two ways of meeting trouble mentioned in verses 6, 7 and 22 respectively, which is the better? What other verses show that the psalmist is turning to God for help, rather than seeking to escape from the scene of his distress?
  2. What was the bitterest element in the psalmist's grief? See verses 12-14, 21 and cf. 2 Sa. 15:31; Jn. 13:21. Observe, however the difference between David's cry in verse 15, and our Lord's word concerning Judas (Mk. 14:21).
    1. Verses 9-11. Violence, strife, iniquity, mischief, wickedness, oppression, fraud, seem to be personified as walking on the walls and in the streets of the city.
    2. Verse 22. 'Your burden': the Hebrew word translated 'burden' means literally 'what he has given you'. The thought seems to be, 'Take back to God, and cast upon Him the burden He has laid upon you, and He will sustain you under it. For He has given it to you to bring you to Himself. 'Cf. Ps. 107:23-30

11 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 43—Psalms 52-54

Study 43 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 52-54

Of these three psalms the second (Ps. 53) is a duplicate (with slight variations of Ps. 14. For the occasion of Pss. 52 and 54 see their titles and cf. 1 Sa. 22:9; 23:19.
  1. 52:1-7; 53:1-5. How is the godless man described? In what does he put his trust, and what is his end? In what does the godly man put his trust, and what is the result for him? See 52:8, 9; 53:6.
  2. What may we learn from Ps. 54 of (a) the severity of faith's trial; (b) the ground of faith's confidence; (c) faith's assurance of triumph?

10 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — 2 Samuel 24

Study 18 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 24

This lesson brings us to the end of the book of 2 Samuel. Tomorrow, we will dive into a brief excursion in the book of Psalms once again.
1. (a) Compare the length of time taken by Joab to count, and by the angel to slay the Israelites. (b) Compare the atonement required by God for David's adultery ( 2 Sa. 12:15, 18) with that exacted here. What sin on David's part is being dealt with? What two lessons are taught about it? Cf. Pr. 16:5.
2. Where was Araunah's threshing-floor? See Note on verse 16. What outstanding event had happened there previously? See Gn. 22:2. What was the site eventually used for?
3. Is there a lesson for us in David's declaration of verse 24?

Note. Verse 16. We learn from 2 Ch. 3:1 that Araunah's threshing-floor was on Mount Moriah which became the site of the Temple.

09 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 17 — 2 Samuel 23

Study 17 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 23

  1. Compare verses 3 and 4 with verse 5. What apparent conflict is there between the two reasons given by David for his happiness and prosperity? Is this conflict real? Cf. Phil. 2:12, 13.
  2. What light is cast on verses 6 and 7 by David's advice to Solomon in 1 Ki. 2:5, 6? Cf. 1 Ki. 2:31-33.
  3. Consider what David's followers were willing to do for their king; and at what stage in his career (verse 13.) What lessons are there here for a Christian?

08 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — 2 Samuel 22

Study 16 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 22

See Psalm 18 for questions already set on this Psalm.
  1. Are there any passages in this psalm which we could not echo as Christians?
  2. Does the Psalm bring to mind any particular incidents recorded in 2 Samuel?

07 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — 2 Samuel 21

Study 15 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 21

Why was Saul's attempt to exterminate the Gibeonites wrong? How was David careful not to make the same mistake? Do we stand by our word? Cf. Ps. 15:4c.
  1. There was a law that those who were hanged were to be buried the same day. What was the reason for this law? Cf. Dt. 21:23. How does it explain the exception that is made here?
  2. What significance is there in the fact that giants troubled David right to the end of his life?
Note. Verse 19. Cf. 1 Ch. 20:5 which seems to have preserved more accurately the original text.

06 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 2 Samuel 19:40 – 20:26

Study 14 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 19:40 – 20:26

1. Analyze the quarrel between Israel and Judah: (a) its cause; (b) the arguments used; (c) the spirit in which it was conducted; (d) its tragic outcome.
  1. How was the threatened disaster averted? What part was played respectively by David, by Joab, and by the wise woman in the town of Abel?
  2. What considerations aggravate Joab's sin in murdering Amasa? Cf. 2 Sa. 17:25; 19:13. Cf. 2 Sa. 17:25; 19:13.

05 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 2 Samuel 19:9-39

Study 13 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 19:9-39

  1. Why did David not make an immediate re-entry into the capital? How does his attitude contrast with that of Saul and other leaders in the same mould? See 1 Sam. 8:10-18.
  2. What qualities in David stand out in his treatment of (a) Shimei, (b) Mephbosheth, and (c) Barzillai? What can be learnt from the attitude of each of these men to David'?
Note. Verse 11. The fact that Absalom's rebellion centered in Hebron (15:7-12) shows how deeply the tribe of Judah was implicated in it.

04 September, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — 2 Samuel 18: 1-19:8

Study 12 From the Book of 2 Samuel is: 2 Samuel 18: 1-19:8

1. What is good and what is bad about David's concern for Absalom?
2. Consider Joab's conduct throughout this passage, separating the good and the bad points.