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24 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Leviticus 11

Study 7 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 11

1.    What would the distinction between clean and unclean teach Israel about God and His worship? See verses 44, 45.  Consider the great changes in their habits that the coming of God to dwell among them brought about. Cf. 1 Pet. 1:14-16; Eph. 4:22-24.
2.    How did our Lord show that such distinctions are not now binding? What constitutes defilement in God’s sight? Cf. Mk. 7:14-23.

23 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Leviticus 9 and 10


Study 6 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 9 and 10
The tabernacle and priests have been sanctified and dedicated; all was now ready for the normal work of the priesthood to begin.
1.    What was Aaron’s first offering at the start of his ministry? Though pardoned, anointed and consecrated, he still needed mercy through atoning blood.  But, when all was duly offered, how did God show His acceptance of His people’s worship? With 9:22a, cf.  Nu. 6: 22-27. 
2.    What did Nadab and Abihu do? What happened? Why did God act like this?
1.    10:1. ‘Unholy fire’: this may mean fire not taken from the altar, but the central thought is that it was fire which God had not authorized.
2.    10:8-11.  It has long been thought that Nadab and Abihu may have been indulging in wine; hence this prohibition.
3.    The significance of 10:16-20 seems to be that Aaron realized that Nadab and Abihu had taken part in the offering of the sin offering and that this rendered it unacceptable and unclean. This is a touching story of Aaron’s full acceptance of God’s verdict on his own sons.

22 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Leviticus 8

Study 6 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 9 and 10


Study 5  From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 8
Cf. Ex. 29:44. The directions for the ceremony were given in Ex. 28 and 29; this chapter give the account of it.
  1. What is the order in which the dedication of priest and Tabernacle took place? Do you see any significance in this order?
  2. In the sacrifice of the ram of ordination (i.e, of dedication to special service), what special use was made of the blood? What symbolic significance does this have? Cf. Rom. 6:13.

21 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Leviticus 6:8–7:38

Study 4 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 6:8–7:38

Distinction must be made between public and private offerings. In addition to the private burnt offerings of the people, there was a daily, public burnt offering morning and evening. Cf. Ex. 29:38-42. It is this daily sacrifice that is referred to in 6:9, 12, with directions that the fire must not be allowed to go out on the altar. 
1.    Neither the sacrifice nor the fire was to fail. What lessons can we learn from that? Cf. Heb. 6:11, 12.
2.    7:11-21. In the peace offering the people offered to God the spontaneous gifts of their love.  What were the three kinds of peace offerings which individuals might bring? What about us? Cf. Heb. 13:15, 16.
Note.  A ‘wave offering’ (7:30) means an offering  or part of an offering presented to the Lord by waving it towards Him, before receiving it back from Him.  In a ‘heave offering’ (7:32) the word ‘heave’ does not mean to throw, but to lift or take off, and indicates the part of the offering taken off for the priests.

20 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Leviticus 4:1-6:7

Study 3 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 4:1-6:7

1.    What is it that distinguishes the sin and guilt offerings from the burnt, meal and peace offerings? See 4:2, 13, 22, etc. Of what divine provision for our need are we here assured? Cf. Lv. 17:11.
2.    Notice particularly what was done with the body and with the blood of the sacrifice in the sin offering (4:6, 7, 11, 12). How do these solemn ordinances indicate God’s hatred of sin, and suggest some of the fearful results that may arise out of sin?
Note.  The sin and guilt offerings have much in common, but the sin offering had reference rather to the person of the offender in his guilt towards God, whereas the guilt offering was an atonement for the offence especially in its relation to man.  Hence the sin offering differed for different classes of person (4:3, 13, 22, 27); and in the guilt offering the guilty party, in addition to his offering, had also to make amends for the wrong done (5:16; 6:4, 5).

19 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Leviticus 2 and 3

Study 2 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 2 and 3
1.    The cereal offering represents a blameless life.  The purity of its ingredients is emphasized (see 2:1, 11).  The worshipper who is not blameless draws near to God with acceptance in the power of an offering possessing the perfection which he lacks.  Consider how this offering is fulfilled in Christ.  Cf. Heb 7:26; 1 Jn. 2:6.
2.    The peace offering speaks of communion, based on the blood of atonement (3:1, 2), and expressed in a whole burnt offering pleasing to the Lord (3:5).  Do you know the heart-satisfaction of such a relation to God?

18 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Leviticus 1

Study 1 From The Book of Leviticus Is: Leviticus 1

God is now dwelling in the midst of His people, and gives them directions how throughout this book God is the speaker, through Moses.
1.    What are the two outstanding features of the burnt offering mentioned here?  See, e.g., verses 3, 9, 10, 13.
2.    What significance would the burnt offering have for the person making the offering? See, e.g., verses 4, 9, 13, 17.

17 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The introduction of Leviticus

Study 0 From The Book of Leviticus Is: The Introduction of Leviticus

The third book of the Pentateuch was referred to by the Jews in various ways—the ‘priest’s law, ‘priest book’, ‘law of the offerings’—for Leviticus consists mainly of ritual law. The author is not named in the book.   All we know is that it was given by divine revelation at Sinai in the time of Moses.

Leviticus is a book of great significance from many points of view. It provides us with a background to all the other books of the Bible.  It helps us to understand references to sacrificial offerings and ceremonies of purification, or institutions such as the sabbatical year or the year of jubilee.  Orthodox Jews have to this day found their binding regulations, their food laws, for instance, in this book.  But, it also shows us the way in which the God of Israel combats sin in (social sin by means of the sabbatical year and year of jubilee, sexual sins by means of the laws of chastity) and second, by means of His promises and warnings.  All this is of interest to Christians as showing the principles of atonement and purification applied in a particular context.  In dong so it is natural that there should be many illustrations of the work of the Lord Jesus-Christ. His atoning death on the cross is the reality of which the rituals of Leviticus are but pictures and symbols.

16 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 2 Timothy 4

Study 4 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 4

With this lesson with end the book of 2 Timothy and will start Leviticus tomorrow
1.    What ministry is Paul here urging Timothy to fulfill? Make a list of the main points in Paul’s charge to him. How does this chapter also indicate the possibilities of failure, and its causes? What challenge ought I to find here concerning my own Christian service?
2.    Consider Paul as he faces death.  Note (a) his consciousness about the past; (b) his confession about, and his confidence in, the present; (c) his hope for the future.  How far can and do I share his experience and his outlook? Note Paul’s words in 1 Cor. 11:1.

15 January, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — 2 Timothy 3

Study 3 From The Book of 2 Timothy Is: 2 Timothy 3

1.    Verses 1-13. Of what are the evil traits here listed a characteristic expression? What by contrast ought to true Christians to be like?  How may we encounter such evil tendencies (a) in ourselves, and (b) in the community to which we belong?
2.    Verses 14-17.  What great things can the right use of the Bible do for us?  Note its contributions at each stage from (a) early childhood and its dependence on others, through (b) adolescence and its discipline, to (c) mature manhood and its active service.  What must we do fully to enjoy these benefits?