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24 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 33 — Genesis 41:14-57

Study 33 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 41:14-57

    1.     What in Joseph so impressed Pharaoh and his court that he was made ruler of Egypt? Compare your own character and consistency with his, and consider where you fall short.

    2.     If we have found in Christ the Bread of life, and men around us are perishing, what spiritual lesson may we draw from verses 54-57?


23 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 32 — Genesis 40:1-41:13

Study 32 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 40:1-41:13

    1.     What qualities in Joseph are shown in this passage? Try to find at least five.

    2.     How did God make Joseph’s prison experiences work together for good? Why were victory over temptation, and use of opportunities to prove God and help others, so important at this stage?

22 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 31 — Genesis 38 and 39

Study 31 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 38 and 39

    1.     Chapter 38. From what initial false step did all the events of sin and shame originate? What can we learn from this? Cf. Gn. 24:3; 26: 34, 35; 27:46-28:4.

    2.     Chapter 39.  How did Joseph exemplify the best qualities of his ancestors: the faith and faithfulness of Abraham, the meekness of Isaac, the energy and ability of Jacob, the beauty of Rachel?

3.     Over what temptations did Joseph win the victory? What was the key to his success?


21 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 30 — Genesis 37

Study 30 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 37

    1.     What three things specially aroused the envy and hatred of Joseph’s brothers against him?  To what other sins did their envy lead them? Cf. Jas. 3:16.

    2.     Can you approve of (a) Jacob’s possessive love for Joseph, (b) his favouritism in his treatment of him, (c) the unrelieved gloom to which the loss of Joseph led him? What ought we to learn from such a story?

Note.  Verse 3. ‘A long robe with sleeves’: a garment of distinction, perhaps implying freedom from manual toil. The ordinary tunic had no sleeves.


20 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 29 — Genesis 36

Study 29 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 36

In chapter 10, before the writer concentrates on the line of Abraham, the names of other nations are recorded. In a similar way in this chapter, before concentration on the family of Jacob a list of Esau’s descendants is given.

    1.     Jacob and Esau were both sinners. What, however, was the vital and decisive difference between them? Do we ever read anything similar to 35:1-7 recorded of Esau? Cf. Heb. 12:16,17.

2.     It was foretold before their birth that each of Rebekah’s twin sons would beget a nation (25:23).  Was it the case with the nations, as it was with their progenitors, that the one was chosen of God and the other rejected, and, if so, why? Cf. Ob. 1-4, 8-10, 17, 18. Mal. 1:2-5.

19 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 28 — Genesis 35

Study 28 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 35

   1.     How did Jacob’s repentance show itself, and how was it rewarded? Note what personal sorrows accompanied God’s blessing to Jacob. Cf. Heb. 12:6-11; Ps. 119:67, 71.

   2.     What actually provoked Jacob’s repentance, and what new revelation was given to him after his repentance? What does this record thus demonstrate concerning God’s character and His demands? Cf. Ho. 14:4-7; Tim. 2:19.

18 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 27 — Genesis 34

Study 27 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 34

    1.     In this sordid story, which appears the more honorable, Shechem and his father, or the sons of Jacob? How contrary to 1 Pet. 2:12; 4:15! Cf. 1 Cor. 10:12.

    2.     What evidence is there that Jacob left everything to his sons, instead of taking action himself as the head of the family? When he did finally rebuke them, about what was the chiefly concerned? What considerations ought to have moved him to think, speak or act differently?


17 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 26 — Genesis 33

Study 26 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 33

   1.     What is the importance of the title which Jacob gives to God in verse 20? How has he named Him previously? See 31:5, 42, 53; 32:9 Cf. Ps. 63:1.

   2.     In the story of this chapter how far did Jacob live up to his new name Israel? Is it significant that he is still called by the old name?  Recall the terms of his vow in 28:22. How far does our behaviour match our Christian profession and express our new nature? Cf. Rom. 7:, 20, 24, 25a.

Note.  In other cases of change of name in Scripture the new replaces the old; so we read of Abraham instead of Abram, of Peter instead of Simon (but see Jn. 21:15-17),  of Paul instead of Saul. But after Peniel the old name Jacob still occurs seventy times in Genesis, and Israel only forty times.

16 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 25 — Genesis 32:3-32

Study 25 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 32:3-32

     1.     What is good, and what is defective in Jacob’s prayer in verses 9:12? Was he relying most upon God, or upon his own resourcefulness? If the former, ought he to have been so greatly afraid (verse 7) Cf. Mk. 4:40; 5:36.

     2.     What is suggested by the picture of wrestling with God? How far does God bless us only when we echo Jacob’s prayer in verse 26? What are the cost and the reward of such a prayer? Did Jacob prevail by his own strength, or by faith? Cf. Ho. 12:3, 4a.  

15 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 24 — Genesis 31:1-32:2

Study 24 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 31:1-32:2

    1.     Six more years have passed (31:41). To what extend is Jacob the deceiver now a changed man?  See 31:6, 38-42. Also, what evidence is there that he has come to a deeper knowledge of God?  See 31:3-13, 42.

    2.     What factors combined to make Jacob sure that God’s time for him to return to Canaan had come? How was the inevitable opposition of Laban overcome?  What may I learn for my won encouragement from such a record?

Note.  31:42, 53.  “The Fear of Isaac”: i.e., the God whom Isaac reverently worshiped.