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Showing posts with label Godly repentance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godly repentance. Show all posts

25 August, 2014

The Godly Person Weeps!

by Thomas Watson

Christ calls His spouse His "dove" (Song 2:14).
The dove is a weeping creature. Grace dissolves
and liquefies the soul, causing a spiritual thaw.
The sorrow of the heart runs out at the eye.
A godly heart grieves that it is not more holy.
It troubles him that he falls short of the rule
and standard which God has set. "I should",
he says, "love the Lord with all my heart.
But how defective my love is! How far short
I come of what I should be, no, of what I
might have been!"

A godly man sometimes weeps out of the
sense of God's love. Gold is the finest and
most solid of all the metals, yet it is soonest
melted in the fire. Gracious hearts, which
are golden hearts, are the soonest melted
into tears by the fire of God's love.
I once knew a holy man, who was walking
in his garden and shedding plenty of tears
when a friend came on him accidentally
and asked him why he wept. He broke
forth into this passionate expression:
"Oh, the love of Christ, the love of Christ!"
Thus we have seen the cloud melted into
water by the sunbeams.

A godly person weeps
 because the sins he
commits are in some sense worse than the
sins of other men. The sin of a justified
person is very odious, because it is a sin
of unkindness.

Peter's denying of Christ was a sin against love.
Christ had enrolled him among the apostles.
He had taken him up into the Mount and
shown him the glory of heaven in a vision.
Yet after all this mercy, it was base
ingratitude that he should deny Christ.
This made him go out and "weep bitterly."
He baptized himself, as it were, in his own tears.
The sins of the godly go nearest to God's heart.
The sins of the wicked anger the Lord.
The godly man's sins grieve Him.
The sins of the wicked pierce Christ's side.
The sins of the godly wound his heart.

The unkindness of a spouse goes
nearest to the heart of her husband.
How far from being godly are those who
scarcely ever shed a tear for sin! If they
lose a near relation, they weep, but
though they are in danger of losing God
and their souls, they do not weep. How
few know what it is to be in an agony
for sin or what a broken heart means!

Their eyes are not like the "fishpools in
Heshbon", full of water (Song 7:4), but
rather like the mountains of Gilboa, which
had no dew upon them (2 Sam. 1:21).
Others, if they sometimes shed a tear,
are still never the better. They go on in
wickedness, and do not drown their sins
in their tears. Let us strive for this divine
characteristic: to be weepers.

This is "a repentance not to be repented of"
(2 Cor. 7:10). It is reported of Mr. Bradford, the
martyr, the he was of a melting spirit; he
seldom sat down to his meal but some tears
trickled down his cheeks.

There are two lavers to wash away sin:
blood and tears. The blood of Christ washes
away the guilt of sin; tears wash away the filth.
Repenting tears are precious.

God puts them in His bottle (Psalm. 56:8).
Repenting tears are beautifying.
A tear in the eye adorns more than a ring of
the finger. Oil makes the face shine. (Ps. 104:15).
Repenting tears make the heart shine.
Repenting tears are comforting.
A sinner's mirth turns to melancholy.

A saint's mourning turns to music.
Repentance may be compared to myrrh,
which though it is bitter to the taste,
is comforting to the spirits.
Repentance may be bitter to the fleshy part,
but, it is most refreshing to the spiritual.
Wax that melts is fit for the seal. A melting
soul is fit to take the stamp of all heavenly
blessing. Let us give Christ the water of our
tears and He will give us the wine of His Blood.

24 August, 2014

Grace Denial

Octavius Winslow 

Be cautious of grace denial.

You will need much holy wisdom here, lest you overlook the work of the Spirit within you.
You have thought, it may be, of the glory that Christ receives from . . .
brilliant genius,
and profound talent,
and splendid gifts,
and glowing zeal,
and costly sacrifices,
and extensive usefulness.

But have you ever thought of the glory, the far greater, richer glory, that flows to Him from . . .
the contrite spirit,
the broken heart,
the lowly mind,
the humble walk,
the tear of godly repentance that falls when seen by no human eye,
the sigh of godly sorrow that is breathed when heard by no human ear,
the sin abhorrence,
the self loathing,
the deep sense of vileness, and poverty, and infirmity that takes you to Jesus with the prayer:
"Lord, here I am; I have brought to You . . .
my rebellious will,
my wandering heart,
my worldly affections,
my peculiar infirmity,
my besetting and constantly overpowering sin.

Receive me graciously, put forth the mighty power of Your grace in my soul, and subdue all, and rule all, and subjugate all to Yourself! Will it not be for Your glory, the glory of Your great name . . .
if this strong corruption were subdued by Your grace,
if this powerful sin were nailed to Your cross,
if this temper so volatile,
if this heart so impure,
if these affections so truant,
if this mind so dark,
if these desires so earthly,
if these pursuits so carnal,
if these aims so selfish,
were all entirely renewed by Your Spirit, sanctified by Your grace, and made each to reflect Your image? Yes, Lord, it would be for Your glory, through time and through eternity!"

15 October, 2013

The Key To The Missionary Message - Oswald Chambers

The key to the missionary and all those who are called to preach, evangelize, share and teach any kind of group that God has called you to minister to, all has to be grounded in repentance, remission of sins and Christ Himself is the propitiation for our sins. There is a depth to these few words that grip your soul and open heaven when you truly get hold of this message. God spent more time with me on the subject of repentance than He spent on the subject of Holiness. I understood later on, the importance of it all in my life and the life of other Christians.

It is sad to see how people who professed to be Christians are fighting over whether the true Salvation called for repentance or not. Just the fact there is disagreement over repentance tells you how bad we massacred God’s idea of Salvation to implement our own. If you recall, in one of my posts on faith I shared with you about the family that I know in the background and one of them went for communion with a grudge, hatred, and anger in the heart. What I did not tell you is that the whole family does not believe that repentance is needed in Salvation. We cannot separate the two and when true Salvation enters your heart, you can be sure, repentance will not be far off.

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The truth is, without the gift of repentance in your heart there is a chain reaction in your so called Christian life and one of them is that you will never have a spiritual relationship with God let alone spiritual growth. Without repentance you live the kind of Salvation like a woman with false pregnancy, clinically termed pseudocyesis, which is the belief that you are expecting a baby when in reality you are not carrying a child. God has taught me how Salvation and repentance are two links that are attached together and they carry the weight of everything else that accompany Salvation, such as brokenness, holiness, sanctification, etc. He taught me that as long as you do not know what true repentance means, there is no true belief in your heart, there is no humility, no need to surrender, and there will never be boldness that comes from God either. One of the reasons He took God so long to teach me about repentance it is because He needed to teach me how they all relate together. And before He even taught me about the numerous pastors out there who were not called or prepared by Him (hence the Gospel with no repentance being preached) and the avalanche of Christian following this kind of teaching, He made sure I could see the forest in my own eyes first before seeing others planks.

Before my wilderness, I had evangelism training, and I used to love telling people how they needed God. And yes I learned to tell them that Christ died for their sins, salvation is free so that no one can boast etc. If you ever get involved in evangelism you know the drill and we all have those verses written down to invite people to Christ. While I was content with myself and all the work I was involved in, after I learned the right way from God, I lost my man made boldness and could not say a word to anyone about Salvation until God felt it was time to give me the gift of boldness. Imagine, I was a Christian for seven years, yet I knew nothing of repentance and I had no idea that I needed it. Through my wilderness time, during the brokenness process and before regeneration and holiness, God had to deal with my repentance first.

While I was elated when God gave me the gift of boldness, but I had a sharp pain in my heart because as I compared my man made boldness that I possessed in my arrogance and the one given to me by God that was grounded in humility, Agape love and also because I could see I was spiritually bankrupt without Him, my heart was weeping. I did more harm than good in sharing the Gospel because man helped forge a path for me to create my own footprint. One thing I used to love doing was without having God’s righteous judgement in my heart, I pinpointed which group was wrong and of course MY group was right. I had no idea that not only God put all of us in the same basket, but it was not how God goes about it. I was shocked to find out how all Churches are God’s Church but no Church is God’s Church. While each one of us is fighting about which group is right and we are so adamant about building “A BUILDING” for God, He is at work gathering His own Church.

Oswald Chambers said “the missionary’s message is the limitless importance of Jesus Christ as the propitiation for our sins, and a missionary is someone who is immersed in the truth of that revelation.”  Well, you do not get immersed in the truth of that revelation without having experienced the gift of repentance coming directly from God. This truth will be your breakfast, your dinner, your supper, your snack, the water you bathe in, the water you drink, the life you live and the walk you walk etc. Yet, you are never saturated enough. When God brought the gift of repentance in my heart where I came face to face with my own bankruptcy and who He is, I bowed down and wept for weeks. With true repentance in your heart, you know and compute that there is a God and it is not you.

There is a song by By Caroline Bonnett & Sue Rinaldi called “ I will follow you to the cross and lay myself down” I recall singing this song for hours because I was in need of God to saturate and purify me with what I found through the gift of repentance. The truth is, most Christians live life completely disconnected from God? Before the gift of repentance I had no idea that my life was disconnected. I still remember my lack of victory over sin and I had no idea what the victorious life was about. I was tired of being in love with God for a few days and be my own self for a few months like a yo-yo. It turns out all of it is anchored in the gift of repentance. Through this gift, my eyes opened to what the word of God means by “victory over sin”, and I found out “my daily life, Christ, the Holy Spirit, God, and the cross are one in the same”. All of the sudden I found out that I have been living a life disconnected from Him, and at the same time I knew how to connect the dot and the circle was formed because all the links were in place.

Until you learn true repentance from God, Salvation will be that disconnected thing you acquire piece by piece and you decide which piece is important to you. Another thing God taught me is that every one of us true Christian is a missionary working with Him. The day that He taught me about being on mission with Him, I woke up like a crazy person on a mission. I could not do anything except getting in the car and drove miles away where I bypassed the same store chain and I landed exactly where He wanted me to go. As I walked through the doors of this store, I found the book sitting right there and it was in the bin because they did not have more of it so they reduced the price. It was right before the wilderness got really bad and I still had my car. The book is called on mission with God written by Henry Blackaby.  God not only talked to me through the book, He wrote things in there just for me. Like an idiot I had no idea these things were written just for me, I sent email to my Bible study group telling them the pages where I learned all that I learned. God taught me from this book for a whole month so that I could understand and cooperate with Him in the work He was about to do in me. Later on, I wanted to revisit certain things that I read, I opened the book and strangely I could not certain things that I knew I learned from the book. I went back to my email to see which pages I referenced before. To make a long story short, when I talked to a friend who is kind of sampling Christianity and not interested in making a commitment to God yet, surprisingly the person said to me “sometimes, God writes things just for us and it is just another way of teaching us His word.” Suddenly, I felt like God talked to me through a donkey.

God has taught me so much about repentance that I could write a book on it, but the truth is God has not directed me there yet and I sense that most Christians are not ready to digest what I have learned. But the good news is, whether you are a pastor who has never acquired the gift of repentance or whether you are a Christian who has managed to butcher what you have received from Him, no matter where you are at, there is hope, there is forgiveness, and there is life in Him. Satan has done a great job with Adam and Eve in taking away and adding to the word of God until they lost their position and died spiritually. Even in your spiritual blindness you know something is wrong in your relationship with Him, and often time what we do, we learned to shut up the spirit with verses about God’s love and goodness to keep us exactly where we are, which is really, “nowhere.” Those verses that we are claiming at the wrong time in our lives help us to ignore this little nagging voice that is so deep down inside. You should know the reason the voice is almost unrecognizable and so faint, it is because your lamp is running out of fuel. There is time to go to Him and beg Him to bring repentance in your heart, beg Him to teach you how to turn around and make your life about Him.  Pray and never cease to pray until He answers you. Stop taking this life for granted and stop shutting His voice down. Pray for God to lead you in a path that is pleasing to Him, pray that He opens your heart to the truth, and pray that He would help you to drop everything that you think you know at His feet and to give you a blank mind to start over with Him. Most of all, pray that He gives you the proper attitude toward Him. Pray that He would put His humility in your heart, pray that He would teach you how to get rid of all fear to take up your cross and follow Him. Pray that you learn to heed to His word while there is time. Pray that you stop being scared of the word “surrender” and pray that He drills in your heart a need to go forward in confidence, because we serve a high priest who has been there too. PRAY, PRAY, AND PRAY.

I will follow You to the cross (Lay myself down)

By Caroline Bonnett / Sue Rinaldi

And lay myself down, lay myself down.
I will follow You to the cross
And lay myself down, lay myself down.
Rid me of these dirty clothes,
Cleanse me from all this pollution.
I choose to walk in purity,
Oh, purify me, purify me.
Kiss me with Your healing touch,
Take me to the heat of the fire;
Bathe me in Your liquid love,
Oh, saturate me, saturate me.
Humbly I stand, humbly I kneel,
Humbly I fall at Your throne.
With a craving for You
That no words can describe:
Saturate me, saturate me;
Saturate me, saturate me;
Purify me, purify me;
Purify me, purify me;
Purify me, purify me

Oswald Chambers Message of October 15

10 June, 2013

A Four Fold Salvation — Part 16 Last One!

A Fourfold Salvation
Arthur Pink, 1938 

The theme of Exodus is redemption—how striking, then, to see that God begins His work of redemption by making His people to groan and cry out under their bondage! The portion Christ bestows is not welcome—until we are made sick of this world.

Second, in Exodus 12 we have a picture of God's people being delivered from the penalty of sin. On the Passover night, the angel of death came and slew all the firstborn of the Egyptians. But why spare the firstborn of the Israelites? Not because they were guiltless before God—for all had sinned and come short of His glory. The Israelites, equally with the Egyptians, were guilty in His sight, and deserving of unsparing judgment. It was at this very point that the grace of God came in and met their need. Another was slain in their place—and died in their stead. An innocent victim was killed and its blood shed, pointing to the coming of "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." The head of each Israelite household sprinkled the lamb's blood on the lintel and posts of his door and hence the firstborn in it was spared from the avenging angel. 
God promised, "when I see the blood—I will pass over you" (Exo. 12:13). Thus Israel was saved from the penalty of sin—by means of the lamb dying in their stead.

Third, Israel's wilderness journey adumbrated the believer's salvation from the power of sin. Israel did not enter Canaan immediately upon their exodus from Egypt—they had to face the tribulations and trials of the desert, where they spent forty years.

But what a gracious and full provision did God make for His people! Manna was given them daily from heaven—a figure of that food which God's Word now supplies for our spiritual nourishment. Water was given from the smitten rock—emblematic of the Holy Spirit sent by the smitten Christ to dwell within us—John 7:38, 39. A cloud and a pillar of fire guided them by day and guarded them by night, reminding us of how God directs our steps, and shields us from our foes. Best of all, Moses, their great leader, was with them, counseling, admonishing, and interceding for them. This is a figure of the Captain of our salvation, "Lo I am with you always."

Fourth, the actual entrance of 
Israel into the promised land foreshadowed the believer's glorification, when he enters into the full enjoyment of that possession which Christ has purchased for him.
The experiences 
Israel met with in Canaan have a double typical significance. From one viewpoint they presaged the conflict which faith encounters while the believer is left upon earth, for as the Hebrews had to overcome the original inhabitants of Canaan before they could enjoy their portion, so faith has to surmount many obstacles if it is to "possess its possessions," The land of milk and honey into which Israel entered after the bondage of Egypt and the hardships of the wilderness which were left behind—were manifestly a figure of the Christian's portion in Heaven after he is forever done with sin in this world.

"You shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 
). First, He shall save them from the pleasure or love of sin by bestowing a nature which hates it—this is the great miracle of grace. Second, He shall save them from the penalty or punishment of sin, by remitting all its guilt—this is the grand marvel of grace. Third, He shall save them from the power or dominion of sin, by the workings of His Spirit—this reveals the wondrous might of grace. Fourth, He shall save them from the presence or in being of sin—this will demonstrate the glorious magnitude of grace. May it please the Lord to bless these elementary but most important articles to many of His little ones, and make their "big" brothers and sisters smaller in their own esteem

08 June, 2013

A Four Fold Salvation — Part 15

A Fourfold Salvation
Arthur Pink, 1938 

Not so much is revealed in Scripture on this fourth aspect of our subject, for God's Word was not given us to gratify curiosity. Yet sufficient light is made known to feed faith, strengthen hope, draw out love, and make us "run with patience, the race that is set before us." In our present state we are incapable of forming any real conception of the bliss awaiting us—yet as Israel's spies brought back the bunch of "the grapes of Eschol" as a sample of the good things to be found in the land of Canaan—so the Christian is granted a foretaste and earnest of his inheritance in glory.

"Until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4:13). It is to the image of a glorified Christ, that we are predestinated to be conformed. Behold Him on the Mount of Transfiguration, when a foreview of His glory was granted the favored disciples. Such is the dazzling splendor of His person, that Saul of Tarsus was temporarily blinded by a glimpse of it; and the beloved John in the isle of Patmos "fell at His feet as dead" (Rev. 1:17), when he beheld Him.

That which awaits us can best be estimated, as it is contemplated in the light of God's wondrous love. The portion which Christ Himself has received, is the expression of God's love for Him; and as the Savior has assured His people concerning His Father's love unto them, "and You have loved them—as You love Me" (John 17:23), and therefore, as He promised, "where I am—there you may be also" (John 14:3).

But is not the believer forever done with sin at death? Yes, thank God, such is the case! Yet that is not his glorification, for his body goes to corruption, and that is the effect of sin. It is written of the believer's body, "It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body" (1 Cor. 15:42-44). Nevertheless, at death itself the Christian's soul is entirely freed from the presence of sin. 

This is clear from, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor" (Rev. 14:13). What is signified by "they will rest from their labor?" Why, something more blessed than ceasing from earning their daily bread by the sweat of their brows, for that will be true of the unsaved also. Those who die in the Lord rest from their "labors" with sin—their painful conflicts with indwelling corruption, Satan, and the world. The fight which faith now wages—is then ended and full relief from sin is theirs forever!

The fourfold salvation from sin of the Christian, was strikingly typified in God's dealings with the Nation of Israel of old. First we have a vivid portrayal of their deliverance from the pleasure or love of sin, "And the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage. And God heard their groaning" (Exo. 2:23, 24). What a contrast does that present from what we read of in the closing chapters of Genesis! There we hear the king of Egypt saying to Joseph, "The land of Egypt is before you—in the best of the land make your father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen" (47:6). Accordingly we are told, "And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew and multiplied exceedingly" (47:27).

Now Egypt is the Old Testament symbol of the world, as a system opposed to God. And it was there, in the "best part" of it, the descendants of Abraham had settled. But the Lord had designs of mercy and something far better for them—yet before they could appreciate Canaan—they had to be weaned from Egypt. Hence we find them in cruel bondage there, smarting under the lash of the taskmasters. In this way they were made to loathe Egypt and long for deliverance there from.

06 June, 2013

A Four Fold Salvation — Part 14

A Fourfold Salvation
Arthur Pink, 1938 

Therefore, when it is said that the believer "allows not" the evil of which he is guilty, it means that he seeks not to justify himself or throw the blame on someone else, as both Adam and Eve did. That the Christian allows not sin is evident by his shame over it, his sorrow for it, his confession of it, his loathing himself because of it, his renewed resolution to forsake it.
IV. Salvation from the PRESENCE of Sin.

We now turn to that aspect of our subject which has to do solely with the future. Sin is yet to be completely eradicated from the believer's being, so that he shall appear before God without any spot or blemish. True, this is his legal status even now—yet it has not become so in his present experience. As God views the believer in Christ, he appears before Him in all the excellency of his Sponsor; but as God views him as he yet is in himself (and that He does do so is proved by His chastenings), He beholds all the ruin which the Fall has wrought in him. But this will not always be the case—no, blessed be His name, the Lord is reserving the best wine for the last. And even now we have tasted that He is gracious—but the fullness of His grace will only be entered into and enjoyed by us, after this world is left behind.

Those Scriptures which present our salvation as a future prospect are all concerned with our final deliverance from the very presence of sin. To this Paul referred when he said, "Now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Romans 13:11)—not our salvation from the pleasure, the penalty, or the power of sin—but from its very presence! "For our citizenship is in Heaven—from whence we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil. 3:20). Yes, it is the "Savior" we await, for it is at His return, that the whole election of grace shall enter into their full salvation; as it is written, "Unto those who look for Him—shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation" (Heb. 9:28). In like manner, when another Apostle declares, "We are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:5), he had reference to this grand consummation of the believer's salvation, when we shall be forever rid of the very presence of sin!

Our salvation from the pleasure of sin is effected by Christ's taking up His abode in our hearts, "Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20). Our salvation from the penalty of sin was secured by Christ's sufferings on the Cross where He endured the punishment due our iniquities. Our salvation from the power of sin is obtained by the gracious operations of the Spirit, whom Christ sends to His people—therefore is He designated "the Spirit of Christ" (Romans 8:9 and cf. Gal. 4:6). Our salvation from the presence of sin will be accomplished at Christ's second advent, "We are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own!" (Phil. 3:20, 21). And again we are told, "We know that when He shall appear—we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2). It is all of Christ from beginning to end.

Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God, reflecting the moral perfections of his Maker. But sin came in and he fell from his pristine glory, and by that Fall—God's image in him was broken and His likeness marred. But in the redeemed that image is to be restored, yes, they are to be granted a far higher honor than what was bestowed upon the first Adam—they are to be made like the last Adam. It is written, "Those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son" (Romans 8:29). This blessed purpose of God in our predestination, will not be fully realized until the second coming of our Lord—then it will be that His people shall be completely emancipated from the thralldom and corruption of sin. Then shall Christ "present to Himself, a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault" (Eph. 5:27).

Salvation from the pleasure or love of sin takes place at our regeneration; salvation from the penalty or punishment of sin occurs at our justification; salvation from the power or dominion of sin is accomplished during our practical sanctification; salvation from the presence or in being of sin is consummated at our glorification, "Whom He justified, them He also glorified" (Romans 8:30).

02 June, 2013

A Four Fold Salvation — Part 13

Arthur Pink, 1938 

It is in this way we are experimentally taught to look off from the present to the future, for our rest is not here. "We are saved by hope. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has?" (Romans 8:24). Let it be duly noted that this comes immediately after "we ourselves groan within ourselves." Thus to be "saved by hope" respects our present salvation from the power of sin.

Complete salvation is now the Christian's—only in title and expectation. It is not here said that we, "shall be saved by hope," but we are saved by hope—that hope which looks for the fulfilling of God's promises. Hope has to do with a future good, with something which as yet "is not seen"—we "hope" not for something which is already enjoyed. Herein hope differs from faith. Faith, as it is an assent, is in the mind; but hope is seated in the affections, stirred by the desirability of the things promised.

And, my reader, the bitter disappointments of life are nothing but a dark background upon which hope may shine forth the more brightly. Christ does not immediately take to Heaven the one who puts his trust in Him. No, He keeps him here upon earth for a while to be exercised and tried. While he is awaiting his complete blessedness, there is such a difference between him and it, and he encounters many difficulties and trials. Not having yet received his inheritance, there is need and occasion of hope, for only by its exercise can things future be sought after. The stronger our hope, the more earnestly shall we be engaged in the pursuit of it. We have to be weaned from present things—in order for the heart to be fixed upon a future good.

Fourth, by the gift of the Spirit and His operations within us. God's great gift of Christ for us—is matched by the gift of the Spirit in us; for we owe as much to the One as we do to the Other. The new nature in the Christian is powerless, apart from the Spirit's daily renewing. It is by His gracious operations—that we have made known to us the nature and extent of sin, are made to strive against it, and are brought to grieve over it. It is by the Spirit—that faith, hope and prayer are kept alive within the soul. It is by the Spirit—that we are moved to use the means of grace which God has appointed for our spiritual preservation and growth. It is by the Spirit—that sin is prevented from having complete dominion over us, for as the result of His indwelling us, there is something else besides sin in the believer's heart and life, namely, the fruits of holiness and righteousness.

To sum up this aspect of our subject—salvation from the power of indwelling sin is not the taking of the evil nature out of the believer in this life, nor by effecting any improvement in it, "that which is born of the flesh is flesh" (John 3:6), and it remains so, unchanged to the end. Nor is it by the Spirit so subduing indwelling sin that it is rendered less active, for the flesh not merely lusts—but "lusts (ceaselessly) against the spirit"—it never sleeps, not even when our bodies do, as our dreams evidence. No, and in some form or other, the flesh is constantly producing its evil works. It may not be in external acts, seen by the eyes of our fellows—but certainly so internally, in things seen by God—such as covetousness, discontent, pride, unbelief, self-will, ill-will towards others, and a hundred other evils. No, none is saved from sinning in this life.

Present salvation from the power of sin consists in, first, delivering us from the love of it, which though begun at our regeneration, is continued throughout our practical sanctification.

Second, from its blinding delusiveness, so that it can no more deceive as once it did.

Third, from our excusing it, "that which I do—I allow not" (Romans 7:15). This is one of the surest marks of regeneration. In the fullest sense of the word, the believer "allows" it not before he sins, for every real Christian, when in his right mind, desires to be wholly kept from sinning. He "allows" it not fully when doing it, for in the actual committing thereof, there is an inward reserve—the new nature consents not. He "allows" it not afterwards, as Psalm 51 evidences so plainly of the case of David.

The force of this word "allow" in Romans 7:15 may be seen from "truly you bear witness that you allow the deeds of your fathers—for they killed them (the Prophets) and you build their sepulchers" (Luke 11:48). So far from those Jews being ashamed of their fathers and abhorring their wicked conduct, they erected a monument to their honor. Thus, to "allow" is the opposite of to be ashamed of and sorrow over—it is to condone and vindicate.

01 June, 2013

A Four Fold Salvation — Part 12

A Fourfold Salvation
Arthur Pink, 1938 

Sometimes chastenings are sent for our spiritual education, that by them we may be brought to a deeper experimental acquaintance with God, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes" (Psalm 119:71).

Sometimes chastenings are sent for the testing and strengthening of our graces, "We glory in tribulations also—knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope," (Romans 5:3, 4). "Count it all joy when you fall into varied trials—knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience" (James 1:2, 3).

Chastening is God's sin-purging medicine, sent to wither our fleshly aspirations, to detach our hearts from carnal objects, to deliver us from our idols, to wean us more thoroughly from the world. God has bidden us, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers . . . come out from among them, and be separate" (2 Cor. 6:14, 17). We are slow to respond, and therefore does He take measures to drive us out. He has bidden us "love not the world," and if we disobey we must not be surprised if He causes some of our worldly friends to hate and persecute us. God has bidden us, "put to death whatever in you is worldly: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and greed" (Col. 3:5). If we refuse to comply with this unpleasant task, then we may expect God Himself to use the pruning knife upon us! God has bidden us, "cease you from man" (Isaiah 2:22), and if we will trust our fellows, we are made to suffer for it.

"My son, do not take the Lord's chastening lightly, or faint when you are reproved by Him" (Heb. 12:5). This is a beneficial warning. So far from despising it, we should be grateful for the same—that God cares so much and takes such trouble with us, and that His bitter medicine produces such healthful effects. "In their affliction, they will seek Me early" (Hosea 5:15). While everything is running smoothly for us, we are apt to be self-sufficient; but when trouble comes, we promptly turn unto the Lord. Own, then, with the Psalmist, "In faithfulness You have afflicted me" (119:75). 

Not only do God's chastisements, when sanctified to us, subdue the workings of pride and wean us more from the world—but they make the Divine promises more precious to the heart—such an one as this takes on a new meaning, "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine! When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you." (Isaiah 43:2-3). Moreover, they break down selfishness and make us more sympathetic to our fellow-sufferers, "Who comfort us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble" (2 Cor. 1:4).

Third, by bitter disappointments. God has plainly warned us of the vanity of earthly pursuits. "When I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun" (Eccl. 2:11). This was written by one who was permitted to gratify the physical senses as none other ever has been. Yet we do not take this warning to heart, for we do not really believe it. On the contrary, we persuade ourselves that satisfaction is to be found in things under the sun, that the creature can give contentment to our hearts. As well attempt to fill a circle with a square! The heart was made for God—and He alone can meet its needs. But by nature we are idolaters, putting things in His place. Those things we invest with pleasing qualities which they do not possess, and sooner or later our delusions are rudely exposed to us, and we discover that the images in our minds are only dreams—that the golden idol is but clay after all.

God may so order His providences, that our earthly nest is destroyed. The winds of adversity compel us to leave the downy bed of carnal ease and luxuriation. Grievous losses are experienced in some form or other. Trusted friends prove fickle and in the hour of need fail us. The family circle, which had so long sheltered us and where peace and happiness were found, is broken up by the grim hand of death. Health fails, and weary nights are our portion. These trying experiences, these bitter disappointments, are another of the means which our gracious God employs to save us from the pleasure and pollution of sin. By them He reveals to us the vanity and vexation of the creature. By them He weans us more completely from the world. By them He teaches us that the objects in which we sought satisfaction, are but "broken cisterns," and this that we may turn to Christ and draw from Him who is the living water, the One who alone can supply true satisfaction of soul.