'But, our dearly beloved, you know that, for our safety and your profit, it is behoove that we commit you to such, to be fed and governed in the Word and doctrines as, we are sufficiently persuaded, shall be able to deliver you up with joy at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints: otherwise we (that we say not you) shall receive blushing and shame before him and you; yea, and you also, our honoured sister, may justly charge us with want of love, and a due respect for your eternal condition, if, for want of care and circumspection herein, we should commit you to any from whom you should receive damage, or by whom you should not be succoured and fed with the sincere milk of the incorruptible Word of God, which is able to save your soul. Wherefore we may not, neither dare give our consent that you feed and fold with such whose principles and practices, in matters of faith and worship, we, as yet, are strangers to, and have not received commendations concerning, either from works of theirs or epistles from others.
Yourself, indeed, hath declared that you are satisfied therein; but, elect sister, seeing the act of delivering you up is an act of ours and not yours, it is convenient, yea, very expedient, that we, as to so weighty a matter, be well persuaded before. Wherefore we beseech you, that, for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, you give us leave to inform ourselves yet better before we grant your request; and that you also forbear to sit down at the table with any without the consent of your brethren. You were, while with us, obedient, and we trust you will not be unruly now. And for the more quick expedition of this matter, we will propound before you our further thoughts.
1. Either we shall consent to your sitting down with brother Cockain, brother Griffith, brother Palmer, or other, who, of long continuance in the city, have showed forth their faith, their worship, and good conversation with the Word;
2. Or if you can get a commendatory epistle from brother Owen, brother Cockain,
brother Palmer, or brother Griffith, concerning the faith and principles of the
person and people you mention, with desire to be guided and governed by, you
shall see our readiness, in the fear of God, to commit you to the doctrine and
care of that congregation. Choose you whether of these you will consent unto,
and let us hear of your resolution. And we beseech you, for love's sake, you
show, with meekness, your fear and reverence of Christ's institution; your love
to the congregation, and regard to your future good. Finally, we commit you to
the Lord and the Word of his grace, who is able to build you up, and to give
you an inheritance among them that are sanctified. To God, the only wise, be
glory and power everlasting. Amen.—Your affectionate brethren, to serve you in
the faith and fellowship of the gospel.
'Sent from Bedford,
the 19th of the Fourth Month, 1671.
As a farther
illustration of Bunyan's sentiments on this subject, we give the following
letter to the church at Braintree:—
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