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16 July, 2019

How Faith Quenches The Fiery Dart of Despair Drawn From THE GREATNESS OF SIN

  I might here instance in those many media or arguments Satan useth to dispute souls into despair from, and how able faith, and only faith, is to answer and refel them.  But I shall content myself with one to dilate upon—which is the chief of all Satan’s strength—and that is taken from all the greatness and multitude of the creature’s sins.  This when the crea­ture is enlightened to see, and hath the brawniness of its conscience pared off to feel with remorse, and then God but do allow Satan to use his rhetoric in declaiming against the heinousness of them, it must needs be in a doleful condition, and of necessity sink into the depths of despair, for all the help it can find from itself within or any other creature without doors. Perhaps some of you, who have slighty thoughts of your own sins, think it proves but a childish impotent spirit in others to be so troubled for theirs; and in this you show that you never were in Satan’s stocks pinched by his temptations. 

Those who have will speak in another language, and tell you that the sins which are unfelt by you  have lain like a mountain of lead upon their spirits.  O, when a breach is once made in the conscience, and the waves of guilt pour in amain upon the soul, it soon overtops all the crea­ture’s shifts and apologies, as the flood did the old world, that covered the tallest trees and the highest mountains.  As nothing then was visible but sea and heaven; so in such a soul, nothing but sin and hell. His sins stare him on the face, as with the eyes of so many devils, ready to drag him into the bottomless pit.  Every silly fly dares creep upon the lion while asleep, whose voice all the beasts in the forest tremble at when he awakes.  Fools can make a mock of sin when conscience’ eye is out or shut.  They can then dance about it, as the Philistines about blind Samson. But when God arms sin with guilt, and causeth this serpent to put forth his sting upon the conscience, then the proudest sinner of them all flees before it. Now it is faith that alone can grapple with sin in its strength; which it doth several ways.  First. Faith gives the soul a view of the great God.  Second. Faith quenches this fiery dart of despair drawn from the greatness of sin, by opposing to that the greatness of the promises.  Third. Faith teaches the soul to oppose the greatness of this one sin of despair to the great­ness of all its other sins.

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