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06 September, 2018

Directions For The Recovery of Declining Grace 2/2

  1. From the word go to meditation.This is as bellows to the fires.  That grace which lies choked and eaten up for want of exercise, will by this be cleared and break forth.  While thou art musing this fire will burn, and thy heart grow hot within thee, according to the nature of the subject thy thoughts dwell upon. Resolve, therefore, Christian, to inclose time from all worldly suitors, wherein thou mayest every day, if possible, at least take a view of the most remarkable occurrences that have passed between God and thee.
(1.) Ask thy soul what takings it hath had that day, what mercies heaven hath sent into thee? and do not, when thou hast asked the question, like Pilate, go out, but stay till thy soul has made report of God’s gracious dealings with thee.  And, if thou beest wise to observe, and faithful to relate them, thy conscience must tell thee, that the cock was never turned, the breast of mercy never put up all the day, yea, while thou art viewing these fresh mercies, telling over this new coin, hot out of the mint of God’s bounty, an­cient mercies will come crowding in upon thee, and call for a place in thy thoughts, and tell thee what God hath done for thee months and years ago.  And indeed old debts should not be paid last; give them, Christian, all a hearing one time or another, and thou shalt see how they will work upon thy ingenuous spirit.  It is with the Christian in this case, as with some merchant’s servant that keeps his master’s cash; he tells his master he hath a great sum of his by him, and desires he would discharge him of it, and see how his accounts stand, but he can never find him at leisure.  There is a great treasure of mercy always in the Christian's hands, and conscience is oft calling the Christian to take the account, and see what God has done for him; but seldom it is he can find time to tell his mercies over.  And is it any wonder that such should go behind-hand in their spiritual estate, who take no more notice of what the gracious dealings of God are with them?  How can he be thankful that seldom thinks what he receives? or patient when God afflicts, that wants one of the most powerful argu­ments to pacify a mutinous spirit in trouble, and that is taken from the abundant good we receive at the hands of the Lord as well as a little evil? how can such a soul’s love flame to God, that is kept at such a distance from the mercies of God, which are fuel to it?  And the like might be said of all the other graces.

(2.) Reflect upon thyself, and bestow a few serious thoughts upon thy own behaviour—what it hath been towards God and man all along the day. Ask thy soul, as Elisha his servant, ‘Whence comest thou, O my soul? where hast thou been? what hast thou done for God this day? and how?’  And when thou goest about this, look that thou neither beest taken off from a thorough search, as Jacob was by Rachel’s specious excuse, nor be found to cocker thy­self, as Eli his sons, when thou shalt upon inquiry take thy heart tardy in any part of thy duty.  Take heed what thou doest, for thou judgest for God, who receives the wrong by thy sin, and therefore will do himself justice if thou wilt not.
  1. From meditation go to prayer.Indeed, a soul in meditation is on his way to prayer; that duty leads the Christian to this, and this brings help to that. When the Christian has done his utmost by medita­tion to excite his graces, and chase his spirit into some divine heat, he knows all this is but to lay the wood in order.  The fire must come from above to kindle, and this must be fetched by prayer.  They say stars have greatest influences when they are in con­junction with the sun; then sure the graces of a saint should never work more powerfully than in prayer, for then he is in the nearest conjunction and com­munion with God.  That ordinance that hath such power with God, must needs have a mighty influence on ourselves.  It will not let God rest, but raiseth him up to his people’s succour, and is it any wonder if it be a means to rouse up and excite the Christian’s grace?  How oft do we see a dark cloud upon David’s spirit at the beginning of his prayer, which by that time he is a little warm in his work, begins to clear up, and before his ends breaks forth into high actings of faith and acclamations of praise?  Only here, Chris­tian, take heed of formal praying, this is as baneful to grace as not praying.  A plaster, though proper and of sovereign virtue, yet if it be laid on cold, may do more hurt than good.
  2. To all the former, join fellowship and com­munion with the saints thou livest amongst.  No won­der to hear a house is robbed that stands far from neighbours.  He that walks in communion of saints travels in company, he dwells in a city where one house keeps up another, to which Jerusalem is com­pared.  It is observable concerning the house in whose ruins Job’s children were entombed, that a wind came from the wilderness and smote the four corners of it.  It seems it stood alone.  The devil knows what he does in hindering this great ordinance of communion of saints—in doing this he hinders the progress of grace, yea, brings that which Christians have into a declining, wasting state.  The apostle couples those two duties close together, to ‘hold fast’ our ‘profes­sion,’ and to ‘consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works,’ Heb. 10:23,24.  Indeed it is a dangerous step to apostasy, to forsake the com­munion of saints; hence it is said of Demas, he ‘hath left us, and embraced the present world.’  O what mischief has Satan done us in these few late years, in this one particular! what is become of this com­munion of saints? where are there two or three to be found that can agree to walk together?  Those that could formerly suffer together, cannot sit together at their Father’s table, can hardly pray one with or one for another.  The breath of one Christian is strange to another that once lay in his bosom.  ‘This is a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation.’

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