By John Angell James
Part one
Part one
Notwithstanding these views, still the sufferer has his SINS brought
to remembrance. "I have endured my punishment; I will no longer act
wickedly. Teach me what I cannot see; if I have done wrong, I won't do it
again." Job 34:31, 32.
This is his language; and in answer to his prayers,
God shows him his sins, his defects, his rebellions, his backslidings, and he
is deeply abased and humbled before God. Confession, purposes of amendment,
plans of improvement follow. Oh! it is a blessed sign of good, when the
sufferer is taken up with a sense of SIN; when not only the past life is
reviewed with a more searching scrutiny, and a more rigid exaction, so that
sins passed over on former occasions come out more distinctly and impressively
to view—but when the chambers of imagery in the heart are laid open, and the
soul grows in accurate and humbling acquaintance with itself. All this is quite
compatible with our recognition of God's love. Yes, the more we are assured of
God's love—the more clearly do we see our sins.
Connected with all this, and in some measure implied in it, is deep SUBMISSION to the
will of God. A quiet bowing down, and lying still at the feet of God; a giving
up of ourselves to his disposal, willing that he should determine for us; a
patient endurance of lengthened visitation; a grateful recollection of what
still remains, controlling a mournful calculation of what is lost; a quiet
consciousness that God has exacted of us less than our iniquities deserve—in
short, such a disposition under the rod, as seems to say, "Anything from your hand; anything with your smile; anything but your frown."
A readiness to dwell upon our mercies, especially our spiritual
blessings—is a fine evidence of a holy state of mind. It is delightful to hear
the sorrowful believer talking of his mercies, and thus setting one thing over
against another.
Such is the proof of a sanctified affliction, which is furnished
by the conduct of the sufferer while his trouble lasts. If,
on the contrary, the mind is wholly absorbed with a sense of sorrow; thinking
only how it may be removed, and caring nothing about improvement; if there is
no remembrance of SIN, no desire after holiness; if God, as the source and
sender of the affliction, is forgotten, and the mind dwells exclusively with
peevishness and reproachfulness on second causes; if there is, though not words of complaint, murmuring,
and rebellion, and thoughts and feelings that
imply something like a sense of unmerited hardship in the painful
visitation—there can, in such a case, be no benefit derived from the
affliction. It is merely the bitterness of the medicine without its beneficial
effect—the pain of the chastisement, without the compensatory result in the
improvement of the conduct.
II. I now go on to set before you those proofs of a sanctified
affliction which are furnished by the conduct, AFTER the trial is removed.
1. If, when the hand of God is withdrawn, and prosperity again
returns, the views, feelings, and purposes remain which the soul entertained in
the season of darkness; if, for instance, there is the same solicitude for
spiritual improvement, and, even amidst the glow of health, the tranquility and
repose of altered circumstances, and the freedom from apprehension for the
future; if there is a still prayerful and anxious desire not to lose the
benefit of trouble, but to be made more holy and heavenly—there is every reason
to believe that the visitation of God has left a blessing behind.
The passing
away of severe trial leaves the soul so buoyant and joyous, so prepared for the
feelings of earthly delight, and possessed of such a capacity for the most
vivid enjoyment, that if amidst such circumstances, there is a sobriety of
mind, a seriousness of spirit, a solemnity of manner, a prayerful concern after
increased spirituality—there is a sanctified affliction! Yes, when such devout
aspirations after conformity to God's will and image survive the night of
sorrow, and still live, and grow, and thrive, under the sunshine of
prosperity—the beneficent end of the chastisement has been indeed accomplished!
2. When one of the first businesses that are attended to after the
return of prosperity, is to put in execution the vows that were made, the plans
laid, and the purposes formed, in trial; when defects in duty are immediately
attended to; when sinful practices are discontinued; when discovered
corruptions are mortified; and when languishing graces are revived—then good is
certainly gained by suffering!
It is indeed a blessed sight, and a proof of growth in grace,
when the soul, liberated from the prison of its distress, goes straightway and
most diligently—to the work of increased sanctification.
Perhaps few professors
are ever greatly afflicted, without some purposes of amendment being formed, as
well as convictions of the need of it being felt. How many of them forget their
views, abandon the plans of their improvement, and become as lukewarm, worldly,
and as careless as ever—when the Lord is pleased to terminate their severe
affliction. Some few, however, there are of the mind of David, who said,
"I will go into your house with burnt offerings, I will pay you my vows, which
my lips have uttered when I was in trouble," Psalm 66:13, 14.
There is a
proper custom prevailing in all sections of the Christian church, of publicly
acknowledging in the house of God any special mercy received at his hand. It is
to be feared that, with many, this is nothing more than mere form; and that by
others, who are really sincere, and even ardent at the time, it is regarded, or
at any rate acted upon, as if it were a
kind of clearance of all other obligations to increased holiness imposed upon
us, even by our own declarations and promises in the hour of affliction. If,
however, this religious observance is faithfully employed, as a means to fasten
upon the heart and conscience the obligations of the season of sickness, and to
summon the soul to the business of renewed devotedness to God—it may be truly
concluded that the affliction has done its own proper work.
3. When besetting sins are mortified by trial, it is a good
sign—and it is a sign frequently exhibited in God's afflicted people. Almost
all of us have 'favorite pet sins'--which there is not ordinarily that concern
and labor for putting them away, which there should be. They are indulged,
instead of being resisted. Thus they gain strength by such indulgence, and most
sadly disfigure our character and disturb our spiritual peace!
Prosperity, like sunshine upon weeds, often causes them to grow
rapidly! And then God in great faithfulness, love and mercy sends adversity,
like frost, to kill them. Upon a bed of sickness, and in other severe trials--they
are often remembered, understood, and seen in all their sinfulness. They are
then lamented, confessed, and mortified.
Nothing can be a darker sign than for a professor's conscience
to be so dull and drowsy during a time of trial, as to leave him unadmonished
respecting these predominant sins. It has been sometimes a blessed fruit of
tribulation, that these predominant sins have been weakened, if not eradicated.
It is worth any amount of suffering to secure this result. Happy the Christian
who comes out of the furnace, with his dross removed by the fire! No matter
what he has lost--he has gained freedom from these inward enemies of his peace
and purity.....
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