One of the reasons why some “Christians” are living the defeated
life and have no idea what it means to have their identity anchored in Him is
because they have not really received Salvation yet. We have millions of people
out there who have been persuaded to say the sinner’s prayer without a true
understanding of what being a Christian entails. While I do not have a problem
about us asking people to ask Christ into their hearts but I have a problem
with the way it’s done. It is purely mechanical, not enough information is
given to make an informed decision, in some cases we have intimidation and more
often than not, we push people to do it. The first time I received Christ it
was handled in one of those ways I described above, and when I realized what he did
to me, I was upset for a little while.
However, since I was invited to Church I kept going, every Sunday before
I knew it, I was roaming all around the Church participating in all kinds of
activities while serving, in the meantime, I was not a Christian yet. Nevertheless,
I enjoyed being part of something, I liked the culture and it was like
belonging to a nice and exclusive club. During that time, I became curious
about Christianity. I know what it means to dread being baptized and you wish
you did not have to do it. I know what it means to roam around the Church
without being a Christian and I know the difference when Christ enters your
heart on His terms and you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.
I thank God that over time I became curious and investigated. But,
what about those who never get to meet with Him and instead they
fall into a coma in the Church while waiting to go to heaven? Since, true grace
from Him changes you in the depth of your being, why is it some professed
Christians never changed? Why is it for some of us if it was not for the outward
activities our Christianity would be the best kept secret? Why is it some never feel the need to go
deeper? Why some are not craving for more of Him? Why is it we have millions out there with no
idea that there is a world of a difference between being saved in your sin and
being saved from sin? Why do we have millions of people in the Church still
clinging to some vague idea of salvation and some prayer they might have said
years ago while having no idea of what intimacy with God means? Attending Church, being baptized and Church membership do not make anyone Christian.
While we are selling some kind of man-made Salvation, we have the
audacity to tell people they have been sealed with the Spirit as if we could
manipulate the Holy Spirit to be complicit in our deceitful ways. It isn't for nothing we have a whole bunch of famous singers living
the Hollywood life, which is our modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah, yet still thinking they are children of God. This is the culture
we live in and this is how we are selling Christianity. Sadly, most of the recipients believe what we are selling because
it is an easy gig to them—cheap grace.
While you might not be dancing and showing every part of your body to make a buck, but, if you are still sitting in the pews unchanged by the Holy Spirit, on the inside after decades of calling yourself Christian, well, you either have a problem or God is a liar and the New Testament Salvation has no power to change a man.
While you might not be dancing and showing every part of your body to make a buck, but, if you are still sitting in the pews unchanged by the Holy Spirit, on the inside after decades of calling yourself Christian, well, you either have a problem or God is a liar and the New Testament Salvation has no power to change a man.
A Fourfold Salvation
Arthur Pink, 1938
What, then, say the Scriptures? So far from God's Word denying
that there is any delight to be found therein, it expressly speaks of
"the pleasures of sin," yet it immediately warns us that
those pleasures are but "for a season" (Heb. 11:25), for the
aftermath is painful and not pleasant; yes, Studies in the Scriptures July, 1938
22 unless God intervenes in His sovereign grace, they entail eternal torment.
So, too, the Word refers to those who are "lovers of pleasure more
than lovers of God" (2 Tim. 3:4).
It is indeed striking to observe how often this discordant note
is struck in Scripture. It mentions those who "love vanity"
(Psalm 4:2), "him that loves violence" (Psalm 11:5)
"you love evil more than good" (Psalm 52:3), "scorners
delight in their scorning" (Proverbs 1:22), "those who delight
in the abominations" (Isaiah 66:3), "their abominations were
according as they loved" (Hosea 9:10), "who hate the good and love
the evil" (Micah 3:2), "if any man loves the world, the love of the
Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15). To love sin is far worse
than to commit it, for a man may be suddenly tripped up and commit it
through frailty.
The fact is, my reader, that we are not only born into this world
with an evil nature—but with hearts that are thoroughly in love with sin. Sin
is a native element. We are wedded to our lusts, and of ourselves no man is
able to alter the bent of our corrupt nature any more than the Ethiopian can
change his skin or the leopard his spots. But what is impossible with man is
possible to God, and when He takes us in hand this is where He begins—by saving
us from the pleasure or love of sin. This is the great miracle of grace, for
the Almighty stoops down and picks up a loathsome leper from the dunghill, and
makes him a new creature in Christ, so that the things he once loved he now
hates, and the things he once hated he now loves. God commences by saving us
from ourselves. He does not save us from the penalty of sin—until He has
delivered us from the love of it.
And how is this miracle of grace accomplished, or rather,
exactly what does it consist of? Negatively, not by eradicating the
evil nature, nor even by refining it. Positively, by communicating a new
nature, a holy nature which loathes that which is evil and delights in all that
is truly good. To be more specific.
First, God saves His people from the pleasure or love of sin—by
putting His holy awe in their hearts, for "the fear of the Lord is to hate
evil" (Proverbs 8:13), and again, "by the fear of the Lord men depart
from evil" (Proverbs 16:6).
Second, God saves His people from the pleasure of sin—by
communicating to them a new and vital principle, "the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (Romans 5:5), and where the love
of God rules the heart, the love of sin is dethroned.
Third, God saves His people from the love of sin—by the Holy
Spirit's drawing their affections unto things above, thereby taking them off
the things which formerly enthralled them.
If on the one hand the unbeliever hotly denies that he is in love
with sin, many a believer is often hard put to it to persuade himself that
he has been saved from the love thereof. With an understanding that
has been in part enlightened by the Holy Spirit, he is the better able to
discern things in their true colors. With a heart that has been made honest by
grace, he refuses to call sweet bitter. With a conscience that has been
sensitized by the new birth, he the more quickly feels the workings of sin and
the hankering of his affections for that which is forbidden. Moreover, the
flesh remains in him, unchanged, and as the raven constantly craves carrion, so
this corrupt principle in which our mothers conceived us—lusts after and
delights in that which is the opposite of holiness. These things are they which
occasion and give rise to the disturbing questions that clamor for answers
within the genuine believer.
The sincere Christian is often made to seriously doubt if
he has been delivered from the love of sin. Such questions as these
painfully agitate his mind—Why do I so readily yield to temptation? Why do some
of the vanities and pleasures of the world still possess so much attraction for
me? Why do I chafe so much against any restraints being placed upon my lusts?
Why do I find the work of mortification so difficult and distasteful? Could
such things as these be—if I were a new creature in Christ? Could such horrible
experiences as these happen—if God had saved me from taking pleasure in sin?
Well do we know that we are here giving expression to the very
doubts which exercise the minds of many of our readers, and those who are
strangers thereto are to be pitied. But what shall we say in reply? How is this
distressing problem to be resolved? How may one be assured that he has been
saved from the love of sin?
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