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28 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 48 — Matthew 28:1-20

Study 48  From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew  28:1-20
With this lesson, we end the book of Matthew and will go back once again to the book of Jeremiah starting with Jeremiah 26.
1.     Note the foremost place taken by women disciples in the story of the resurrection appearances.  Why should this be (cf. Jn. 14:21)? Contrast the effect of the news of the resurrection on the disciples with the response of Christ’s enemies recorded in verses 11:15. How does this prove the truth of Lk. 16:30, 31?
2.     Verses 18-20. Note the fourfold repetition of the word ‘all’ in Christ’s final commission. What is the threefold task given to the Christian church? Are we obeying, as we ought to do, in the light of (a) Christ’s authority, and (b) the promise of His presence?

27 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 47 — Matthew 27:51-66

Study 47 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 27:51-66
1.     What is the significance of the torn curtain of the Temple (verse 51)? Cf. Heb. 9:8; 10:19-23.  How are the manifestations recorded in verses 52, 53 linked with these truths?
2.     What made Joseph of Arimathea (and Nicodemus, Jn. 19:39) come out into the open at this late stage? Is it not at first sight strange that they should now publicly associate themselves with Christ?  What, in the purposes of God, did such a burial demonstrate and make possible?
Note. Verse 62. ‘Next day, that is, after the day of Preparation’: it looks as if, in their concern to safeguard the tom, the Jewish leaders even broke their own sacred sabbath laws.

26 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 46 — Matthew 27:32 - 50

Study 46 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 27:32 – 50
1. What were the real sufferings of Christ?  In what way are physical, mental and spiritual sufferings here indicated?
1.     What, if any, truth is there in the taunt of verses 41-43? Why did God not intervene? What is the meaning behind Christ’s own sense of desertion in verse 46? Can you hold this truth with that contained in 2 Cor. 5:19. ‘God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself’? See also 2 Cor. 5:21.

25 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 45 — Matthew 27: 15-31

Study 45 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 27: 15-31
1.     In these verses the Jewish people made a fateful choice. Note especially verses 20 and 25. It was the choice of what kind of saviour they wanted (see Note below). What was the result of this choice in the life of the nation?
2.     In how many ways did Pilate seek to avoid a decision about Christ? Cf. Lk. 23:7. Read again the question in verse 22. Is this not a question which I, too, must ask and answer?
Note.  Verses 16, 17. There is good textual evidence in favour of reading ‘Jesus Barabbas’. This makes the question of verse 17 even more telling.  This was a choice between a false claimant and the true Saviour.

24 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 44 — Matthew 27: 1-14

Study 44  From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 27:1-14
1.     What lessons concerning the inevitable judgment upon sin are to be found in the account of the death of Judah?  Can you see any sense in which we may be tempted to act like Judas in our situation, or is he unique?
2.     Consider the silence of Jesus in these last hours of His life.  Cf. lk. 23:9. In the light of this, read 1. Pet. 2:-23 and note the lessons for our own life and witness.

23 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 43 — Matthew 26: 57 - 75

Study 43 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 26: 57 – 75
1.     The trials of Jesus and Peter were running concurrently, but with such different results.  What was Peter’s failure, and what was the reason for it? Do you see any difference between this and the failure of Judas?
2.     Verses 59 – 68. In what ways was the trial of Jesus unworthy of the name of Justice? In contrast note the majesty of Jesus at this point. What would you consider the salient characteristics of His witness here?
Note. Verse 64. ‘You have said so’ is more than the equivalent of ‘Yes’. It indicates that Christ’s Kingship was real, but different from the concept in Caiaphas’ mind.

22 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 42 — Matthew 26:30-56

Study 42  From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 26: 30 -56
1.     How do these verses indicate the strength to do God’s will that Christ found through His knowledge of Scriptures? Consider how frequently during these last hours our Lord quoted the Old Testament. What ought we to learn from this concerning the way to face the demands of Christ’s service?
2.     Wherein lay the particular agony to Jesus of the experience in the garden? Why did He shrink so much from the cross? Consider this section in the light of Heb. 5:7-9; 10:1; 1 Pet. 2:24.
3.     What does our Lord pinpoint as the reason for the disciples’ failure in the garden? Consider in how many ways they did fail that night, and how relevant this is to our situation. Cf. What Peter wrote in 1Pet. 5:8-9.