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20 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Ephesians 1:15-23

Study 2 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 1:15-23

  1. What may we learn from this example concerning the way to pray for our fellow-Christians? When we do so, what ought to be our chief interest and concern? What are the three great spiritual truths which the apostle here prays that his readers may grasp?
  2. Consider Christ's present position as set forth in verses 20-23 in relation to (a) God, (b) other powers and authorities, (c) the universe, and (d) the church. In the light of these verses has our conception of Christ been big enough?
  1. Verse 18. 'His glorious inheritance in the saints': be careful to note that this is a reference not to our inheritance in Him but to His inheritance in us. Cf. Ex. 19:5-6; Tit. 2:14.
  2. Verses 22, 23. 'The church... his body, the fullness of him': the God of old dwelt in the Temple and filled it with His glory, or as the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus.(Col. 1:19; 2:9, 10). Christ now dwells in His church in His fullness. He fills it with His presence.

19 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Ephesians 1 :1-14

Study 1 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 1:1-14

These verses deal with God's purpose to form a people for Himself and to sum up all things in Christ. Note the reiteration of 'in Christ' or 'in Him'.
  1. In verses 3:6 we are shown this people as conceived in the mind of God. What do we here learn concerning God's choice of us, His gifts to us, and His purpose for us? Do such thoughts immediately move us, as they moved Paul, to say 'Blessed be... God' See note 2 Below.
  2. In verses 7-14 we are shown this same people in process of redemption from sin. What parts are played in this work by (a) God the Father, (b) God the son, and (c) God the Holy Spirit? Of what benefits are we here assured? What response is necessary on our part for their enjoyment?
  1. Verse 3. 'In Heavenly places': a phrase emphasizing that the believer's blessings are spiritual, in contrast to the earthly and material blessings promised to Israel under the first covenant. Cf. Dt. 28:8. The phrase occurs five times in this Epistle. See 1:20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12. It refers to what today we might term 'the spirit realm', or 'the heavenly sphere'.
  2. Verses 6, 12, 14. Note the recurring reference to 'the praise of his glory'. The design of redemption is to exhibit the grace of God in such a conspicuous manner as to fill all hearts with wonder and all lips with praise' (Charles Hodge).
  3. Verse 13. 'Sealed': a mark of God's ownership.
  4. Verse 14. 'Guarantee' or 'earnest': a first installment given as a pledge that all promised will be paid in full.

18 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of the book of Ephesians

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of the book of Ephesians

Study 0 From the Book of 1 Ephesians is: The Introduction of the book of Ephesians.


This epistle, together with Philippians, Colossians and Philemon' form a group known as the 'Prison' Epistles, because all four were' as is generally believed, written from Rome when Paul was a prisoner there, as described in Acts 28:16, 30, 31. The words 'at Ephesus' (1:1) are omitted in a number of important manuscripts, and this has led many to suppose that the Epistle was not intended for Ephesus alone, but for all the churches of the Lycus valley, of which the church at Ephesus was the chief.
It was God's purpose from before the foundation of the world to form a people for Himself. But, mankind fell into sin and death, and only when Christ came was it revealed that God's purpose was to find accomplishment through the creation of a new humanity in Christ, made up of both Jew and Gentile, reconciled to God and to one another through the blood of the cross, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. This 'new man' consists of the whole redeemed community of which Christ is the Head, and stands in contrast to the 'old man' whose head is Adam, and which is under the dominion of the world, the devil and the flesh, and its subject to divine condemnation.

The new humanity in Christ is the theme of the Epistle. The doctrine of individual salvation by faith, as expounded in Romans and Galatians, is here less prominent, and the apostle dwells rather upon the corporate aspects of salvation under the image of the church as the body of Christ, together with the vision of a final oneness of all things in Him.

17 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — 1 Samuel 31 and Revision

Study 23 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 31 and Revision

With this lesson, we end the book of 1 Samuel. Tomorrow lesson starts with the book of Ephesians.
1. Compare the defeat of chapter 31 with that of chapter 4. What were the reasons for these defeats? Cf. 1 Ch. 10:13, 14. What challenge does this bring to your own life?
2. How did David's experiences as recorded in chapters 16-31, all serve to prepare him for his future work as King?

16 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 22 — 1 Samuel 29 and 30

Study 22 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 29 and 30

  1. Chapter 29. Into what great difficulty had David brought himself, and how was he delivered? Do I ever give the world cause to say, 'What is that Christian doing here?' Cf. 2 Cor. 6:14.
  2. Chapter 30. Strength in defeat and generosity in victory. How does this chapter illustrate these characteristics? Have you learnt Davids' secret of inner strength? Cf. 23:16; Ps. 18:2.

15 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 21 — 1 Samuel 27 and 28

Study 21 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 27 and 28

  1. Contrast David's words in 27:1 with 17:37. Into what actions did depression drive him, and what price had he to pay for it? Are you ever overcome by circumstances in this way? Cf. 2 Ch. 19:2; Jas.4:4.
  2. Looking back over the story of Saul, how did he come to his final sorry state? What warning ought we to take from his confession in 28:15? Cf. 1 Tim. 1:19.
Note. 28:7. Consulting a medium was expressly forbidden in the law of God. See Lv. 19:31, too, was resorting to something he himself had disowned. See 28:9.

14 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 20 — 1 Samuel 25 and 26

Study 20 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 25 and 26

1. Nabal was rich and satisfied; but what did he lack? What, in contrast, were the outstanding features of Abigail's character? Can you think of situations where you could act as she did?

2. Chapter 26. What basic convictions motivated David's actions? How does his faith in God's purpose for him stand out? In particular, what principle emerges from 25:39 and 26:10, 23?

Note. 26:19, 20. To be driven out of the promised land (cf. 27:1) is to be driven out not from the dominion of the Lord (see many psalms), but certainly from His special covenanted presence to lands where other gods are worshiped.

13 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 19 — 1 Samuel 23 and 24

Study 19 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 23 and 24

1. In what ways did God's protecting hand cover David, and what special encouragements did he receive? Cf. Ps. 37:23, 24.
2. What held David back from killing Saul when it was in his power to do it, and when his followers were urging him on? What virtues shine out in his self-restraint, and what lessons do you learn from this? Cf. Rom. 12:19, 20.
3. Were Saul's words and weeping accompanied by a real change of heart? Cf. Ho. 6:4; Is. 29:13. What does real repentance involve?

1. 24:13, 14. David uses the proverb to demonstrate his innocence. The wicked action one would expect from a wicked man has not been forthcoming in his case. 'A dead dog...a flea': something harmless, elusive, unimportant.
2. 24:20, 21. Saul apparently knew God's purpose, though he strove to avert some of its consequences

12 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — 1 Samuel 22-23

Study 18 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 22-23

1. Do you gather from 21:10-15 and 22:3-5, that David's flights out of the holy land were done without God's guidance? What seems to have determined David's actions? Contrast 22:23. Are you free from the fear of men? Cf. Pr. 29:25.
  1. Consider the character of the motley crew of which David now transform any group under Christian leadership? Cf. 1 Cor. 6:9-11; note especially the phrase 'such were some of you'.
  2. Read the story of 22:7-19 in the light of Pr. 6:34; 14:30; 27:4. How can the Christian be zealous without being jealous? Cf. 1 Ki. 19:10, 14; Jn. 2:17.

11 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 17 — 1 Samuel 20:1-21:9

Study 17 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 20:1-21:9

  1. What was David's purpose in seeking Jonathan? What request did Jonathan in turn make of David? What components of true friendship does the relationship of these two men illustrate?
  2. What Characteristic of true 'loyal love' (20:14) does this passage reveal? Compare it with (a) 1 Cor. 13:4-7, and (b) your own life.
  3. When human need and ceremonial obligations conflict as in 21:6, what guidance do we find here as to the right course to take? Cf. Mt. 12:3-8.
  1. 20:6. Such were the standards of morality that even the best of the people seemed to have no scruples in using lies and deception to save life. See 19:17; 20:28, 29; 21:2. But note how deceit brought down Saul's wrath upon Jonathan (20:30), just as it brought disaster upon Ahimelech and his associates (22:18, 19).
  2. 20:14. Cf. 2 Sa. 9:3.
  3. 20:23, 42. The idea of God being between two covenant partners to watch and to judge is illustrated by Gn. 31:49, 53.
  4. 20:26. Saul thought that ceremonial uncleanness accounted for David's absence from the feast. See Lv. 7:19, 20.
  5. 21:7. 'Detained before the Lord': perhaps because of a vow.