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01 January, 2018

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — 2 Peter 3:11-18

Study 5 From the Book of 2 Peter is: 2 Peter 3:11-18 

With this lesson we end the book of 2 Peter. Tomorrow we will start the book of Jude
      1-     Make a list of the practical conclusions which Peter draws from the certainty that the day of the Lord will come. How do these work out in the way you yourself live?
       2-     Verses 17, 18 sum up the theme of the whole Epistle. How are we to maintain stability in the Christian life? Show that to be stable is not to be static.
Note. Verse 12.’Hastening’ (RSV) is better than ‘hasting unto’(AV). The day is being hastened as by our repentance and zeal we remove the need for God’s forbearance (verses 9:15). Rom 2:4

31 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 2 Peter 3:1-10

Study 4 From the Book of 2 Peter is: 2 Peter 3:1-10


 1-     What arguments do the scoffers of verse 3 use? What is the best defence against them (verse 2)?
      2-     In verses 5-7 Peter refutes the scoffers by reference to the unfailing fulfilment of God’s word. Explain from these three verses how the words and actions of God in the past assure us that in the future He will again do what He has said. Is there a similarity between the people of Noah’s day and our own (cf. Mt. 24:37-39)?    
     3-     Why is ‘the day’ so slow in coming (verse 9)? Cf. Ezk. 18:23, 32.
Note. Verse 10. 'Elements’: the material elements of the universe; but as many think, with specific reference to the heavenly bodies.

30 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — 2 Peter 2

Study 3 From the Book of 2 Peter is: 2 Peter 2

      1-     Although we have the lamp of prophecy it is necessary to beware of false teachers. Note from today’s passage the forms of evil in which the false teachers of whom the apostle speaks, indulged. By which are you most liable to the snared?   How far is this kind of behaviour seen in modern society? How would you meet the claim of those who profess to be free from the restraints of convention (verse 19, cf. Jn. 8:34-36)? Cf. verse 20 with Mt. 12:43-45; Heb. 6:4-8.

Note. Verses 4-10 are parenthetical, interrupting the description of the false teachers which is resumed in 10b.

28 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — 2 Peter 1:12-21

Study 2 From the Book of 2 Peter is: 2 Peter 1:12-21

       1-     Of what does Peter take such care to remind his readers? Does any Christian not need this kind of reminder? Cf. 3:1, 2; Dt. 32:18; Heb. 2:1.
       2-     How do verses 16:21 provide an answer to theologians who claim that truth does not require a basis of historic fact?
        3-     Explain from verses 20, 21 the nature of the inspiration of Scripture. What gives it its authority, and what should govern its interpretation.
Note. Verse 19. ‘The written word of prophecy has been confirmed by the vision of the Lord’s glory…on the mount of Transfiguration, and Christian may well trust themselves to its guidance in this dark world, till light has dawned, which will render the lamp of an external revelation unnecessary’ (Swete). This lamp of prophecy is referred to again in 3:2.

27 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — 2 Peter 1:1-11

Study 1 From the Book of 2 Peter is: 2 Peter 1:1-11

      1-     How do verses 1 and 10 describe the Christian’s relation to God? What is meant by ‘knowledge’ in verses 2, 3, 8? What provision has God made for our present life, and what will be our final position (verses 3, 4, 11)
      2-     If our salvation is the product of God’s call and power (verses 10, 3), why are we urged to zealous effort (verses 5, 10)?
      3-     Analyse the picture of the fully developed Christian, given in verses 5-7, in relation to (a) his personal character; (b) his attitude to God; and (c) his dealings with others. Observe that all rests upon. A basis of faith, but faith without these added qualities is not enough.

26 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The Introduction of 2 Peter

Study 0 From the Book of 2 Peter is:  The Introduction of the Book

The second Epistle of Peter was written just before his death (1:14, 15). We may regard it as his last word, and this fact lends added significance to the final message, ‘Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (3:18).
            Peter is obviously concerned about the heresies and moral evil which have crept into the church, and is writing to warn, to exhort and to comfort. In contrast with the gloomy picture which he draws is the prominence he gives to the hope of our Lord’s return. He explains that this is delayed, not through any slackness on God’s part, but through His forbearance (3:9). He is afraid that the Christians, under the stress of persecution and temptation, will forget the commandments which have been delivered to them through the prophets and the apostles.  He writes to remind them of their calling and to stir them up (1:9, 12, 13, 15; 3:1, 2).
            Chapter 2 is strikingly similar in content to the Epistle of Jude. As Peter dwells on the evil which is rampant, he stresses more than ever the call to holiness which he had given in his first letter.  ‘You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, beware lets you be carried away with the error of lawless men and lose your own stability’ (3:17). The essential antidote to error is the true knowledge of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the key to this Epistle. See 1:2, 3, 8; 2:20; 3:18.

25 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Song of Solomon Revision

Study 7 From the Book of Song of Solomon is: Song of Solomon Revision



Most of the study questions have been concerned with the Song’s meaning at the level of human love between the sexes. Re-reading the Song, draw out some of the lessons it can teach us about Christ’s love for us, and our love for Him. How does our personal devotion to Christ measure up to these very high standards? 

24 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Song of Solomon 8:5-14

Study 6 From the Book of Song of Solomon is: Song of Solomon 8:5-14

     1-     What does this passage add to all we have already learnt of the nature of love? What attacks may true love have to face?
      2-     What qualities are here shown to be characteristic of true love?
      1-     8:6. ‘Set me as a real…’ in ancient times men carried their seal fastened to breast or wrist for safe preservation.  The girl desires to be thus held fast on the heart and arm of her beloved.  ‘Jealousy is cruel as the grave’: better, ‘Ardent love is unyielding as Sheol’.
      2-     8:8-10. The girl recalls her brothers’ earlier words. They had waited to see if she would be as a wall against temptation, or as an open door to give it entrance. Here she claims that she has shown herself as a wall.
       3-     8:11, 12. Solomon appears to have offered her a vineyard of great wealth; but she put it aside in favour of the vineyard which was hers in her beloved.

23 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Song of Solomon 6:4 – 8:4

Study 5 From the Book of Song of Solomon is: Song of Solomon 6:4 – 8:4

       1-     In 2:16 the girl’s first thought was of her claim upon her lover. Now (6:3) she thinks first of his claim on her. In 7:10 her claim is no longer mentioned. Her concern is to satisfy him by giving herself. The importance of this for human marriage relations is clear. But can these stages in love apply to our relation to Christ? If so, how?
       2-     8:4. The warning is repeated here for the third time (see also 2:7; 3:5). Why do you think it was given, and with such emphasis?

       1-     6:4. “Tirzah”: the name (meaning ‘delight’) of a beautiful town, which later became the royal residence of the kings of northern Israel.
        2-     6:12, 13. A possible translation, in line with the three-character analysis, is ‘My soul has unwittingly brought me to the chariots of the companions of my prince’; i.e., she fell in with some of Solomon’s retinue. She fled, but they called her back, and gazed upon her, as she put it, as if she were a company of dancers.      
       3-     7:1-6. These verses may be part of the song composed by the women (6:9b, 10), or may be spoken by Solomon. In verses 7, 8 he is certainly the speaker.

22 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3

Study 4 From the Book of Song of Solomon is: Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3

       1-     Is there any underlying reality in the disturbing dream of 5:2-7? Would we be right to see in this passage teaching about, e.g., the importance of response in love, or the likelihood of suffering if response is lacking?
       2-     How far is the bridge’s delight in, and praise of, her lover a feature also of our relationship to Christ? Do we meditate on Him as our ‘beloved’ and our ‘friend’ (5:16)?
  1-     5:2. ‘I slept’: these words indicate that the bride is relating a dream.
  2-     5:4. The door was bolted—on the inside (see verse 5)
  3-     5:10 ‘Distinguished among ten thousand’; literally, ‘marked out by a banner’, i.e., as outstanding among the rest as a standard bearer.