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15 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Ecclesiastes 9:1 – 10:7

Study 5 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is: Ecclesiastes

1-    Why, from a Christian standpoint, is the view of life contained in 9:1-10 untenable? Cf. Lk. 23:39-43; and note how and why one of the criminals rebuked the other and found hope for himself.
2-    What do 9:11, 12, teach regarding a man’s attitude to natural talents? In what way is the value of wisdom shown in 9:13 -10:4

14 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Ecclesiastes 7 and 8

Study 4 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is: Ecclesiastes 7 and 8

The preacher has declared several times that man’s best course in this present world is to enjoy the portion in life which God has given him, and the fruit of his labour. In these later chapters, while still holding to this view, he inquires more closely into the king of quality of life which men should lead.
  1-    In the practical wisdom of chapter 7, what emerges as the guide principle for life?  
2-    Though the future is hidden from man’s what course of action is advocated in 8:1-7: How is the problem of death approached in 8:8-17?

13 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 6:12

Study 3 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is: Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 6:12

        1-    What are the blessings of friendship described in 4:9-12? How does this apply in the spiritual life? See, e., g., Mt. 18:19, 20; Lk. 10:1
         2-    What does 5:1-7 teach concerning worship, in respect to (a) the right attitude of spirit, (b) words spoken in God’s presence, and (c) the importance of fulfilling vows?
         3-    What is the teaching of 5:8-6:12 regarding money and the evils it brings?
             1    -    5:1 ‘Guard your steps’: i.,e., ‘Newer enter God’s house carelessly’.
             2-    5:3 As cares and labours cause a man to dream, so do many words in worship give rise to folly.
             3-    5:20 ‘Then he will never brood over the fewness of his days’
             4-    6:10, 11 ‘Whatever happens has been determined long ago, and what man is has been ordained of old; he cannot argue with One mightier than himself’ The meaning is that much talking against God’s dealings is profitless.

12 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Ecclesiastes 3:1 – 4:8

 Study 2 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is: Ecclesiastes 3:1 – 4:8

1-     What, according to 3:1-15, is the best attitude to life? How does the Preacher illustrate his conviction? Cf. Mt. 10:29, 30. To what practical conclusion does he come?
2-     In 3:16 – 4:8, what four instances are given of the futility of life, and what reflections do they arouse in the writers’ mind?
Note. 3:1. ‘Season… time’: the two words express two thoughts, (a) that everything happens at an appointed time; and (b) that the time is appropriate in relation to the working out of God’s purpose.

11 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Ecclesiastes 1 and 2

Study 1 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is: Ecclesiastes 1 and 2

1-    In what ways does 1:1-11 show the monotony of life? Why is such pessimism unchristian?
2-    How did the writer discover that neither the pursuit of wisdom (1:12-18) nor the enjoyment of pleasure (2: 1-11) can satisfy man’s heart?
3-    Though wisdom is better than folly (2:13, 14a), what three facts rob even wisdom of its power to satisfy (2:14b, 17, 18 and 23, 24-26)?

10 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — The Book of Ecclesiastes

Study 0 From the Book of Ecclesiastes is:  The Introduction of the Book of Ecclesiastes

This book speaks through the mouth of Solomon, but does not in any way build on his authority. In the earlier part, the writer describes human life as seen by a shrewd observer, who disputes the arguments of those who find a satisfactory aim in life either in intellectual labour, or in the gathering of riches, or in pleasures, or even in the attainment of an ethical ideal, seeing that death terminates all, and comes to all alike.

Man cannot by searching find oat the deep things of God (3:11) but must bow before His sovereignty (3”14). Whatever appearances may indicate, God judges righteously, though judgment may be long delayed (8:12, 13).

The recurring phrase ‘under the sun’ may be regarded as indicating the purely human standpoint adopted by the writer in the earlier chapters, and as roughly equivalent to ‘in the world as man sees it’. It is salutary for the Christian to contrast the vanity and meaningless of this world, its business and pleasures, as set forth in Ecclesiastes, with our glorious heritage in Christ as set forth in the New Testament.

The book is the record of a spiritual pilgrimage, reaching its culmination in chapter 12 (cf. 12:13, 14 with Rom. 2:16. In Ecclesiastes, perhaps more than in any other book of the Old Testament, the standpoint of the writer should be borne in mind, and particularly the fact that he saw nothing for man beyond death save judgment. His attention is concentrated upon this life, for ‘our Saviour Christ. Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to fight through the gospel’ (2 Tim. 1:10) had not yet appeared.

09 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Esther 9 and 10

Study 7 From the Book of Esther is:  Esther 9 and 10

With this study we end the book of Ester. Tomorrow we will start the book of Ecclesiastes.

      1-    Select from these and earlier chapters the outstanding features of Mordecai’s character. What was the source of his moral strength?

      2-    Notice here the severity of the judgment on the wicked. Are we in danger of underestimating this part of ‘the whole counsel of God’ (Acts 20:27)? Cf. Heb. 10:30, 31; 1 Pet4:17, 18; Rev. 20:12-15.

       3-    Why was the Feast of Purim instituted? See 9:22; cf. Ex. 12; 14-17. Do we ever encourage and challenge ourselves by the remembrance of God’s mercies to us? Cf. Dt. 8:2; 1 Cor. 11:24-26.

Note. 9:26. ‘Purim… Pur’: these words are derived from the Assyrian puru, meaning a small stone, which was used to cast lots. See 3:7; 9:24. +

08 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Esther 7 and 8

Study 6 From the Book of Esther is: Esther 7 and 8

      1-    How does chapter 7 illustrate the theme of certain psalms? See, e. g., Pss. 73:17-19; 94:1-7, 21-23. How should this influence our faith?

       2-    After the fall of Haman what did (a) Esther and (b) the Jews still have to do to obtain the deliverance promised by the king? See especially 8:3-8, 11, 12. What parallel is there in Christian experience? Cf. Phil. 2:12, 13.

             1-    7:3. ‘My life … and my people…’: for the first time Ester acknowledges her nationality.
            2-    7:9. Notice how often the king’s decisions are influenced by those around him.

07 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Esther 5 and 6

Study 5 From the Book of Esther is:  Esther  5 and 6

      1-    Mordecai could reasonably have expected a substantial reward for saving the king’s life (2:21-23). However, his service was acknowledged only after a long delay and by an apparent coincidence. In what ways does this help us to understand delays and disappointments in our own life? Cf. Ps. 37:7; Is. 55:8, 9
       2-    Consider the developments in the story of Haman as illustrations of such verses as Ps. 34:15, 16; Pr. 16:18. What ought we to learn from such a record?

06 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Esther 4

Study 4 From the Book of Esther is:  Esther  4

      1-    The Jews mourn Haman’s decree, but for Ester the situation requires personal action. Consider (a) what factors influenced the decision she reached (see particularly verses 4, 8, 13, 14, 16), and (b) whether verse 14 is relevant to your own immediate situation.
       2-    Esther made careful preparations to enter the king’s presence. In our own approach to the King of kings, what parallels and contrasts can you find? See also 5:1, 2; cf. Ps. 33:8; Heb. 10:19-22.