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01 December, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 21 — 2 Chronicles 36

Study 21 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 36

With this we end the book of 2 Chronicles. Tomorrow we will start the book of Esther.
          1-    Alongside the cataclysmic political happenings, what is the one outstanding event in this chapter which overshadows all else?
           2-    In the indictment of this chapter, on what sin does the emphasis lie (verses 12-16)? How would you describe the cause of Judah’s downfall? Cf. 7:19-22.
        3-    In what particular matters did Zedekiah fail?
         4-    What does this chapter reveal about the character of God?
Note. A summary of the kings and events of this chapter. (a) Jehoahaz was a king for three months (verses 1-3) Jehoiakim (Eliakim reigned for eleven years (verses 4, 5). He was an Egyptian vassal until the Babylonians (or Chaldeans, verse 17) defeated them at the Battle of Carchemish (605 BC) and became the dominant power the first Babylonian invasion occurred during this reign (verses 6, 7). (c) Jehoiachin was king for three months, until the second invasion (verse 10) terminated his reign; 10, 000 leading citizens were taken into exile. (d) Zedekiah reigned for eleven years (verse 10, 11). He was a Babylonian vassal and his rebellion precipitated the third invasion, devastation and exile (verse 17, 18) in 586 BC.

30 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 20 — 2 Chronicles 34 and 35

Study 20  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 34 and 35

        1-    At what age did Josiah begin to seek the Lord? What effects did this have on his subsequent life both publicly and privately?
         2-    What was the effect of the finding of the book of the law (a) upon Josiah, and (b) through him upon the nation? Cf. Ps. 119:59, 60. Is the Word of God having the same effect upon you, and through your life?
         3-    What does 34:23-28 teach concerning (a) the inevitable consequences of sin (cf. Dt. 11:26-28), and (b) God’s attitude to the sincere penitent?
        1-    34:14. ‘The book of the law’ was quite likely the Deuteronomy (cf. Dt. 31:26).
        2-    35:3. It is usually assumed that the ark had been taken out of the holy of holies during the repairs, and that the Levites were now bidden to restore it, with the assurance that they would not again be asked to undertake this work. Cf. I Ch 23:26.
         3-    34:28 and 35:24. Josiah was spared from witnessing god’s anger poured out upon Judah (34:25) by his death, and thus may be said to have died  ‘in peace’.

29 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 19 — 2 Chronicles 33

Study 19  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 33

        1-    Make a list of Manasseh’s idolatrous deeds, as described in verses 3-9. It has been termed ‘a very delirum of Idolatry’ and was done in the face of protest and rebuke (verses 10, 18).
       2-    What means did God use to bring Manasseh to his senses? And what may we learn from this as to one of the purposes of human sufferings?
       3-    What marks of true repentance are seen in Manasseh after his restoration? In what ways could it have gone further?
               1-    Verse 6. A reference to human sacrifice in honour of the god Molech. Cf. 2 Ki. 23:10; Je. 7:31.
              2-    Verse 14. ‘Ophel’: a mound south of the Temple. Cf. 27:3.

28 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — 2 Chronicles 31: 2 – 32:33

Study 18  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 31:2 – 32:33

       1-    How far was Hezekiah’s thoroughness in all matters connected with religion the secret of his success? See especially 31:20, 21. Cf. Rom. 12:11; Col. 3:23.
       2-    What lessons can we learn from the way in which Hezekiah met opposition?
       3-    How far did this spiritually -minded king fall short of perfection? How may we learn from him?
            1-    32:1. This reference to Hezekiah’s faithfulness (31:20) is introduced to show that the coming of Senacherib was not because he had sinned.
           2-      32:5 Archaeologists think ‘the Millo’ at Jerusalem was probably part of the fortifications or the foundations for them.

27 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 17 — 2 Chronicles 29:1 – 31:1

Study 17 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 29:1 – 31:1

       1-    Hezekiah as king desired to reform the religious life of the nation, and worked urgently to a definite plan. What steps did he follow? Note his speed (29:3; 30:2) and his priorities (29:16-21).
       2-    What evidence do you find that the Passover (chapter 30) was not merely an outward form, but betokened a genuine turning back to God? What sign were there of true spiritual revival?

Note 30:2, 3, 13, 15. The king availed himself of the provision in the law which allowed the Passover to be kept in the second month, instead of the first. (see Nu. 9:10, 11), and thus avoided having to wait almost a year.

26 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — 2 Chronicles 26 - 28

Study 16 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 26 – 28

         1-    How was it revealed that in Uzziah’s heart notwithstanding his piety (26:5), there lurked the same evil tendency that had marred the life and reign of his father Amaziah before him? With 26:16, cf. 25:19; Dt. 17:18-20. What forms might his sin take today?
        2-    How did the sin of Ahaz affect (a) God, (b) His people, and (c) himself?
        3-    In the midst of a godless age how did Obed, the prophet, and the men mentioned in 28:12 stand out? What may we learn from their example? Cf. 1 Tim. 5:20.
            1-    26:5. ‘Zechariah’: not otherwise known, and not the prophet of the biblical book who lived at a later period.
           2-    26:18. See Nu. 18:40; 18:7.

25 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — 2 Chronicles 25

Study15  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 25

        1-    What would you say was the chief fault in Amaziah’s character? How does the chapter illustrate the description of him in verse 2? See, on the one hand, verses 3, 4, 7-10;  also 26:4 and, on the other hand, 25:14-16, 27.  Cf. Je. 17:9.
         2-    How does Amaziah’s career, wit its gradual drift away from God, show the peril of a half-hearted loyalty to Christ?

Note. Verse 10. The hired soldiers had been hoping for loot and plunder’ hence their anger. See also verse 13.

24 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 2 Chronicles 24

Study 14 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 24

      1-    Joash was a weak character, who leant on others. To whom did he listen? What were the consequences? What lessons may we learn? Cf. 2 Tim. 2:1
       2-    Why was the stoning of Zechariah a peculiarly a flagrant crime?

Note. Verse 16. This was a signal and unique honour. Contrast verse 25.

23 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21

Study 13  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21

        1-    Planning:  Why had Jehoiada to wait seven years? What lessons may we learn from this for ourselves? Cf. Hab. 2:3. Why did he have confidence that the plan would succeed?
        2-    Action: What lessons in careful planning and organization can we learn from Jehoiada in our service of Christ?
        3-    Success: Jehoiada was not content with half measures. How did he follow up his victory? See 23:16-20.
           1-    23:2, 3. This was the preliminary gathering, secretly convened in the Temple, in which all present pledged their loyalty to the boy king.
          2-    23:11. ‘The Testimony’: i.e., the book of the law. Cf. Dt. 17:18-20.

22 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — 2 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:9

Study 12 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:9

        1-    Identify the sins here recorded of Jehoram. How did God deal with him, and why? To what did he owe this survival?
        2-    How far was the low state under Jehoram and Ahaziah directly traceable to the mistaken step of Jehoshaphat as recorded in 18:1? What does this illustrate concerning the character and consequences of some sins?