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07 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Haggai 2

Study 2  From the Book of  Haggai is: Haggai 2

Tomorrow we start the book of Zechariah
  1. Picture the desolate scene and the despondency of the people (verse 3). But how did the prospect appear to Haggai’s eye of faith (verses 4-9)? On what grounds did he reassure them, and to what vision did he direct their eyes?
  2. Verses 1-19. How does Haggai show that (a) in the sanctified life contact with unholy things must be avoided, and that (b) mere contact with holy things is not sufficient? Is it possible to deceive ourselves today, as the Jews of Haggai’s day did? Cf. 2 Tim. 2:19-22.
  3. What will be the fate of all human activity and organization carried on without God, and what is the work that will stand, whose does are blessed from the day they set their hand to it? Cf. 1 Jn. 2:17. Why would Zerubbabel be safe when the Lord would shake the heavens and the earth?
Note. Verse 23. ‘Like a signet’: a symbol of honour and authority. Cf. Je. 22:24.


06 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Haggai 1

Study 1  From the Book of Haggai is: Haggai 1

  1. How did the Jews of Haggai’s day reckon their priorities? What was the consequence? And what was the Lore’s command? What lesson did God wish them to learn? Is there a present-day application? Cf. Mt. 6:33.
  2. How had the people failed to live up to the purpose for which they had been allowed to return? Cf. Ezr. 1:2-4. Contrast their first beginnings with the conditions described by Haggai. Is this at all your experience? Cf. Rev. 2:4. What happened once they obeyed God’s voice?
Note. Verse 1. ‘The sixth month’ : corresponding to our August-September.

05 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Haggai

Study 0 From the Book of Haggai is: The Introduction of the Book Haggai

The prophets Haggai and Zechariah are mentioned together in Ezra 5:1 as prophesying at that time in Jerusalem. Ezra 5 and 6 should be read in order to fit the ministry and God-given messages of these prophets into their historical setting.
The exact date of Haggai’s prophesying is given in Hg. 1:1 as being the second year of Darius, king of Persia, i.e., 520 BC. (cf.Zc.1:1). In 538 BC, the first company of exiles, under Zerubbabel, had returned from Babylon to Jerusalem, and had set about the work of rebuilding the Temple. But Samaritan opposition and intrigue proved too strong, and the work ceased (see Ezr. 4: 1-5, 24). The people became occupied with their own concerns, and said with regard to the Temple, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord’ (Hg. 1:2).

The prophecies of Haggai consist of four utterances, which contain repeated promises of God’s presence and blessing, if only the people will give themselves to the work of building the Lord’s house. Haggai’s words express for our instruction the abiding truth that God gives Himself and His best to those who fully honour Him and seek first His kingdom. There is no other hope of survival in the day of trouble and judgment, when God Himself will shake all things and reveal the worthlessness of every other boasted confidence (see Hg. 2:21-23; and cf. Heb. 12:25-27). Thus did Haggai, by the light of the Spirit of God, discern the truth about life’s immediate circumstances, and foresee the similar, if greater, certainties of the final consummation in the day of the Lord.

04 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 84 — Psalm 106:34-48

Study 84 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 106:34-48

Tomorrow we will study the book of Haggai

The ending of this psalm, particularly verses 45-47, suggests that, whereas the function of Ps. 105 was to stimulate obedience, the purpose of the historical retrospect here, which dismal though it is, is crowned by a reassertion of God’s steadfast love, is to strengthen faith among an exiled people, tempted to despair.
  1. A new generation entered Canaan (see Nu. 14:29-32; 26: 64, 65), but the sinning continued. What was their first failure, and to what sins of ever deeper degradation did it lead (verses 34-39)? How are Christians to avoid similar entanglement? Cf. 2 Cor.6:14-7:1; 1 Jn. 2:15-17.
  2. What wonderful comfort can we take from the fact which this psalm demonstrates, that man’s rebellion did not exhaust the compassion of God? See verses 1-5, 45-47. What challenge do these verses bring?
Note. Verse 48. Probably a doxology to mark the end of Book IV of the Psalms.


03 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 83 — Psalm 106:1-33

Study 83 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 106: 1-33

This section consists of a summons to praise the Lord, a prayer, and then (verses 7-33) a confession of seven instances of Israel’s sin from the exodus to the entrance into Canaan.              
  1. What feature of Israel’s failure is mentioned three times in these verses, and what were some of its consequences? Dt. 8:11-20.
  2. Why did God, after delivering the Israelites, later overthrow them in the wilderness? Note the four things mentioned in verses 24, 25 which caused Him to change His attitude. With what awe and seriousness should the Christian take warning from this incident? Cf. Heb.3:12, 17-19; 4:1.
  3. The reference in verses 14, 15 is to Nu. 11 (see verses 4, 34). What inspired the Israelites’ request, and what serious consequence followed? The New Testament indicates that we are involved in a war with fleshly lusts. How are we to fight them? Cf. 1 Cor. 10:6; 1 Pet. 2:11; Gal. 5:16.

02 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 82 — Psalm 105

Study 82  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 105

This psalm opens with a call to remember and recite the mighty deeds of the Lord. It is itself a historical retrospect, made we may surmise from verse 45; with a view to encouraging obedience to the redeeming Lord. ‘Remembering’ was never a merely intellectual process in Israel’s worship; it had a moral purpose.
  1. Verses 1-5. List the imperatives used here. Think of appropriate times when you should obey them. Cf. Ps. 119: 164. Might it be particularly helpful to turn to these verses and this psalm when depressed?
  2. What reason is given in verses 7-10 and 42 for God’s intervention on behalf of the Israelites? Cf. Lk. 1-72-74. For what similar reason do we know that He will not fail or forsake us? Cf. Heb. 13:5b, 6, 20, 21.
  3. What may we learn from this psalm about the ways in which God protected, delivered, trained and provided for His chosen people? Will He do less for us? Cf. 1 Sa.12:22.
  1. Verse 2. ‘Tell of’: the meaning is ‘meditate on’; but the Israelites seldom meditated silently.
  2. Verse 28b. A difficult clause. The Lxx omits ‘not’; and this may be the original reading. Or the Hebrew (see mg.) may be a rhetorical question, ‘Did they not rebel?’5

01 September, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 81 — Psalm104

Study 81 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 104

This psalm has been described as a poetical version of Gn.1. The two chapters may be compared with profit. Note the measure of agreement.
  1. How is the dependence of the creature on the Creator brought out in verses 27-30? Cf. Ps. 145:15, 16; Gn. 1:29, 30. Ponder the beautiful picture of God which this affords. What ought it to make us do? Cf. Mt.6:25-33.
  2. Do we share the desires and resolves of the psalmist’s heart, as expressed in verses 31-35?
Note. Verse 26. ‘Leviathan’ here refers to the sea monster. Cf. Gn. 1:21; Am. 9:3 for similar references.

31 August, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 80 — Psalm 103

Study 80 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 103

  1. List the spiritual blessings mentioned in this psalm. Are you enjoying them yourself? Are you a mindful of their source, and as grateful to God, as the psalmist was?
  2. What is emphasized by the mention of God’s ‘steadfast love’(verses 4, 8, 11, 17)? How is it demonstrated? What corresponding activity is demanded of those who would enjoy it? See verses 11, 13, 17, 18.
  1. Verse 5. ‘Like the eagle’s: better, as in rv, ‘like the eagle’. The meaning is ‘made strong as an eagle’. Cf. Is. 40:31.
  2. Verses 11, 13, 17. The ‘fear of the Lord’ in the Bible does not refer to an abject, servile terror of the unknown or the terrifying. It is basically and consistently moral (see Ex. 20:18-20), based on knowledge (see Pr. 9:10), and means ‘due reverence and awe’.

30 August, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 79 — Psalm 102

Study 79 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 102

This psalm probably written towards the close of the exile (see verse 13 and cf. Je. 29:10; Dn. 9:2). A description of the present distress (verses 1-11) is followed by a vision of a restored Zion (verses 12-22). The closing verses record the psalmist’s assurance of the changeless character of God (verses 23-28).
  1. What does this psalm teach us to do in time of trouble? See the title, and cf. Ps. 62:8.
  2. ‘For I… but thou’ (verses 9-12). Contrast with the extreme misery of verses 1-11 the vision of faith in verses 12-28. What has happened? Where is your gaze fixed—upon earth’s sorrows, or upon God? Cf. 2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 18.
Note. Verses 19, 20. Cf. Ex. 3:7, 8. As then, so now.


29 August, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 78 — Psalm 101

Study 78  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 101

Luther called this psalm ‘David’s mirror of a monarch’. Though the themes of the psalm are general, 2 Sam.6:9 may provide the clue to the historical situation—at the beginning of David’s reign.
  1. Verses 1-4. David could not sing to God without being aware that worship must have some effects upon his character and actions. Ponder the verbs of these verses. Is your Christian life as definite and decisive as this?
  2. Verses 5:8. What company did David seek and shun? To what strenuous and sometimes violent action is the Christian similarly called? Cf. 2 Tim. 2: 14, 16, 19, 21-23.