Study 20 From the Book of Jeremiah is: Jeremiah 30:1 – 31: 26
This passage forms part of a group of prophecies. It was a time
of darkness and despair and Jeremiah himself apparently derived much comfort
from the message (31:26).
This passage falls into sections which are all variants of the
one theme, that after judgment will come restoration. See 30:1-3, 4-11, 12:22,
23, 24; 31:1-9, 10-14, 15-20, 21-22, 23-25. What are the blessings promised?
To what extent have these blessings been fulfilled? Observe that
they are spoken of northern Israel as well as of Judah (30:4; 31:1). Cf. Rom.
Meditate on the greatness of the blessings here promised as
fully realized only in Christ. Cf. Jn.
7:37, 38; 15:9-11; 16:27.
30:14. ‘All your lovers’: i.e., the nations with whom Israel has
sought alliance. Cf., verse 17b.
31:2. ‘The wilderness’: here denoting the place of exile.
31:15. ‘Rachel is weeping for her children’: a graphic picture
of the sorrows of the exile. Rachel, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin, is
depicted weeping in her grave, which was near Ramah, as the exiles pass by. Cf.
40:1; also Mt. 2:17, 18.