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22 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 42 — Matthew 26:30-56

Study 42  From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 26: 30 -56
1.     How do these verses indicate the strength to do God’s will that Christ found through His knowledge of Scriptures? Consider how frequently during these last hours our Lord quoted the Old Testament. What ought we to learn from this concerning the way to face the demands of Christ’s service?
2.     Wherein lay the particular agony to Jesus of the experience in the garden? Why did He shrink so much from the cross? Consider this section in the light of Heb. 5:7-9; 10:1; 1 Pet. 2:24.
3.     What does our Lord pinpoint as the reason for the disciples’ failure in the garden? Consider in how many ways they did fail that night, and how relevant this is to our situation. Cf. What Peter wrote in 1Pet. 5:8-9.

21 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 41 — Matthew 26:17-29

Study 41 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 26:17-29
1.     What does the phrase in verse 18, ‘My time is at hand’, teach us of Christ’s understanding and control of the situation even at this moment? Notice the repetition of this reference to ‘the hour’ (verse 45) Cf. Jn. 12:23, 27; 13: 1.  Note also in verse 24 the combined recognition of God’s foreordained purpose and man’s personal responsibility.
2.     In the institution of the Lord’s supper, Matthew notes the idea of a covenant in verse 28. In what way does this link with Ex. 24: 6-8 and with Je. 31:31–34?  What ought drinking from such a cup to mean to us?

20 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 40 — Matthew 26:1-16

Study 40  From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 26:1-16
1.     Note the difference between the prophecy of Christ in verses 1, 2, and the plans of the Jewish religious leaders in verses 3-5. Whose word, in fact, prevailed, and why? Cf. Acts 2:23; Ps. 33:10, 11.
2.     In verses 6-16 consider the contrast between the action of Mary, anointing Christ, and Judas selling Him.  How does this demonstrated the truth of Lk. 2:35b? What were the motives behind these different actions?

19 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 39 — Matthew 25: 14-46

Study 39 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 25: 14-46
1.     Verses 14:30. Compare this parable with that in Lk. 19:11-27.  What is the message underlying both parables? Can you distinguish the particular emphasis of each parable?
2.     Verses 31-46. What claims does Christ here make concerning Himself? How is men’s final destiny determined?
3.     What does this passage teach about the gravity of the sin of omission? What does the absence of good works prove?
1.     Verse 34. This is the only place in the Gospels where Christ speaks of the Son of man as King. No doubt there was too great a danger of the popular misunderstanding of that title for its frequent use to be possible.
2.     Verse 46. ‘Eternal’:  This speaks primarily not of endless duration but of that which in quality is characteristic of the age to come.

18 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 38 — Matthew 24:32 – 25:13

Study 38 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 24:32 – 25:13
1.     What truths concerning our Lord’s return are unmistakably certain, and what matters are left uncertain?  What, in consequence, ought the Christian’s attitude to be?
2.     The parable of the ten virgins (25:1-13) teaches a final division. What is the basis of that division? How can we join the company of the wise?  Cf. Mt. 7:21-27.

17 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 37 — Matthew 24:1 - 31

Study 37 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 24:1 – 31
1.     What is the pattern of future history as predicted by Christ in verses 1-14?  Make a list of the prominent features and see how they apply to our present age.
2.     According to the teaching of these verses how should a Christian react in days of political upheaval and world-wide distress? On what can he count?
1.     The teaching of this chapter is in answer to the two questions of verse 3. The disciples seemed to think of these events as contemporaneous. Christ sees the fall of Jerusalem as a foreshadowing of the day of His return. It is impossible to be dogmatic about the division of the chapter, since references to the two events are so interwoven, but the following is suggested. Verses 4-14: general principles. Verses 15:28: the siege and destruction of Jerusalem. Verses 29-31: the day of Christ’s coming. Verses 32-51: preparation for both events.
2.     Verse 15 refers back to Dn. 11:31 and in this context, seems to point to the setting up of the Roman ensign within the sacred precincts of the Temple.
3.     Verse 27. ‘coming’ is in Greek Parousia, meaning the official visit of a king. Cf. verses 3:37, 39.

16 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 36 — Matthew 23:23-39

Study 36 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 23:23-39
1.     The Lord accuses Pharisees in verses 23-26 of a serious lack of proportion in their practice of religion. Can you find modern examples of this dangerous tendency?
2.     The chapter comes to a climax with our Lord’s teaching on the inevitability of judgment (verses 29-39). Yet consider the love of Christ for Jerusalem which is clearly shown. What was it that made judgment inevitable?

15 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 35 — Matthew 23:1-22

Study 35 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 23:1-22
1.     Verses 1-12 are an indictment of the Pharisees because of their concern for personal prestige and outward show. Do you see how this may happen within the Christian church? In what ways may this temptation come?
2.     Note the repetition of the word ‘Hypocrite’ or ‘play-actor’. How is this seen in the attitude of the Pharisees to others (verses 13-15), and in their vows and promises (verses 16-22)? What do we need to do to avoid becoming like them?
1.     Verse 5. The phylactery was a small box of leather containing portions of the law and strapped to forehead and to left arm.  The fringes of the garments were four in number, attached to the dress as a symbol of the law. 
2.     Verse 15. ‘A child of hell’: Greek Gehenma, meaning ‘worthy of suffering punishment in the after-life’.

14 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 34 — Matthew 22:15-46

Study 34 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 22:15-46
1.     Comparing the teaching of Jesus in verses 15-22 with Paul’s teaching in Rom. 13:1-7, outline the duty of the Christian to the state.
2.     Verses 23-33. On what does Christ base His teaching about the fact of resurrection? What features of the life of the world to come emerge from this teaching?
3.     Verses 41-46. Christ’s counter-question here makes some clear claims. What are these? Ps. 110:1 is cited in verse 44. Consider the use made of this elsewhere in the New Testament. Cf. Acts 2:33-36; Heb. 1:13; 10:11-13. Of what truths and hopes are we thereby assured?

13 April, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 33 — Matthew 22:1-14

Study 33 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 22:1-14
1.     In this parable what are we taught about the pattern of Christ, ministry, and what challenge do you find to evangelistic outreach?
2.     In verses 11-13 what do you understand to be the significance of the wedding garment?  Cf. Zc. 3:1-5. Consider the balance in these verses of the free invitation of the gospel and the demand for holiness, ‘without which no one will see the Lord’. (Heb. 12:14).