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25 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — John 5: 30-47

Study 10 From the Book of John is: John 5:30-47

  1. To what four different testimonies to Himself does Jesus appeal? Which does He Himself regard as of least importance, and why? Contrast 8:14.
  2. Verses 39, 40. Is i still possible to study the Bible without finding life? If so, what is lacking? What reasons does Jesus give for the Jews failure? Cf. 2 Cor. 3: 14-16.
Note. Verse 31. 'Not true': in the sense of not being accepted as true. Cf. Dt. 19:15; Mt. 18:16; Jn. 8: 13, 14.

24 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — John 5:1-29

Study 9 From the Book of John is: John 5:1-29

  1. Verses 2-9, the third 'sign'. What features of Jesus' power does it reveal? What did He do for the man, and demand from the man, apart from making him walk? See verses 6 and 14.
  2. Verses 17-29. In what terms is Jesus's relationship with God described? What functions concerning judgment has God given to Jesus, and why? How do these truths concern us?
  3. Verses 16-18. What connection has Jesus' statement in verse 17 with His healing on the Sabbath? How does this agree with Gn. 2:2,3 and how does it answer the Jews' criticism of His action?
Note. Verse 25. What is meant here is spiritual resurrection from the death of sin. Contrast verses 28,29.

23 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — John 4:27-54

Study 8 From the Book of John is: John 4:27-54

  1. How do the previous verses explain and verses 35-38 develop the truth which Jesus expressed in verse 34? What gives you most satisfaction in life?
  2. Two groups of Samaritans and the Carpernauam official all believed in Jesus, but through different means. What was the particular truth about Him which brought each of them to faith? To what did 'the second sign' (verse 54) point? What aspect of the Lord's character or power led you to Him?
  3. Verses 48 seems to be a test of the man's sincerity. How would you explain Jesus words here?
Note. Verses 35-38. In the natural world there were yet four months until harvest, but in the spiritual sphere in this instance reaping was possible at once. Someone else had done the sowing.

22 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — John 4:1-26

Study 7 From the Book of John is: John 4:1-26

  1. What did our Lord mean by 'living water' (verse 10)? Why, when He had wakened in the woman a desire for it, did He not at once grant her request? What was necessary before He could do so?
  2. Trace the successive steps by which Jesus brought the woman to feel her need of Salvation, and pointed her to Himself. What can we learn from this to help us as we seek to lead others to Him?
  3. In verses 19, 20 was the woman evading the demand for a personal response? How does Jesus answer meet the need of those today who evade the claims of God by professing to follow a correct form of worship? Where must all look for salvation?
Note. Verse 20. 'This mountain': i.e., Mount Gerizim, where the Samaritans had built a temple. The temple had been destroyed, but the Samaritans regarded the place as holy.

21 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — John 3:22-36

Study 6 From the Book of John is: John 3:22-36

  1. How might one have expected John to have replied to the statement of verse 26? Consider the quality of character and the principles brought out in his answer. How far do you share his attitude to Christ? How does it apply to your situation?
  2. What is said about Jesus in verses 31, 32, 34, 35, which set Him apart from and above all others?
  3. 'Receives his testimony', believes in the Son', 'does not obey the Son' (verses 33, 36). What kinds of response to Jesus Christ do these phrases describe? To what consequences do they lead?
  1. Verse 32. 'No one': i.e., generally speaking; it is qualified in verse 33.
  2. Verse 33. 'Set his seal': he both confirms his acceptance of the truth of God's word and in his consequent experience proves the truth of it. Cf. 7:17.

20 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — John 2:23 – 3:21

Study 5 From the Book of John is: John 2:23 – 3:21

  1. Why was Jesus not satisfied with the faith spoken of in 2:23? Cf. 4:48; 6:26, 30; Mt. 13:14. Is my faith the kind that pleases God?
  2. What was right and what was lacking in Nicodemus's assessment of Jesus? How did Jesus's answer correct to him. What is involved in being 'born of the spirit', and why is it needed? Cf. Mt. 18:3; Jn. 1:12, 13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:8, 9.
  3. Why was the lifting up of the Son of man necessary? (Note 'must' in verse 14.) On what ground are men judged and condemned? Where do you stand in relation to these truths?
  1. Verse 5. 'Born of water' probably refers to John's baptism.
  2. Verse 8. As with the wind, so with the movement of the Spirit, the effect is real and recognizable, although the process is hidden
  3. Verses 12, 13. The gospel speaks of heavenly things, of which Christ is the sole revealer. Cf. 3:31, 32; Mt. 11:27.

19 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — John 2:1-22

Study 4 From the Book of John is: John 2:1-22

  1. Verses 1 -11. present the first of the seven 'signs' (see introduction), which reveal the identity of Jesus and stimulate faith (verse 11). What particular aspect of Jesus's glory does this miracle display? What change in our life does turning the water into wine represent? Cf. 2 Cor. 5:17. What can we learn from Mary's response to Jesus?
  2. The idea of the 'Temple' unites verses 13-17 with 18-22. How does Jesus appear in each incident? By what authority does He drive out the traders? Cf. Mal. 3:1-3. What crisis does this incident foreshadow in the mind of Jesus? What did He foresee concerning the cost and character of His mission?
  1. Verse 4. The English, even in RSV, makes Jesus' words seem disrespectful, but in the Greek the form of address is perfectly courteous. Jesus makes it clear that He depends upon no human instructions, even from His mother, but only upon that which God appoints. He is awaiting His Father's instructions.
  2. Verses 14-16. See TNTC. (p.61) for discussion whether there were two cleansings of the Temple, one at the beginning of Jesus' ministry, as here, and one at the end, as recorded in the Synopstics

TNTC stands for Tyndale New Testament Commentary
RSV stands for Revised Standards Version (1946-52)

18 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — John 1:35-51

Study 3 From the Book of John is: John 1:35-51

  1. Describe what it was that brought each of these five men to Jesus. How far did they understand who Jesus was? What account of Him can you give to others?
  2. Verses 48, 49. Why did Jesus's answer elicit the response of Nathaniel? See 2:25. What do verses 47-50 reveal of Nathaniel's character?
  1. Verse 42. Cephas – Peter - Rock
  2. Verses 47, 51. An allusion to the story of Jacob in Gn. 32:24-29 and 28:12, 13.
  3. Verse 51. This word, as shown by the plural 'you', was spoken not about Nathanael only, but about all the disciples. Jesus would be revealed to them as the true and final Mediator between God and man.

17 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — John 1: 19-34

Study 2 From the Book of John is: John 1: 19-34

  1. What do we learn here about (a) the character, (b) the work, of John the Baptist? See also verses 6:8 and 3:28-30.
  2. Verses 26-34. What testimony does John the Baptist here bear to Jesus? How much of this did John learn about Him through his experience at Christ's baptism? Do these truths mean something to you?
Note. Verse 29. 'He saw Jesus coming': probably after the forty days in the wilderness, when He was tempted by Satan. That Jesus's baptism had already taken place is shown by verse 32. Cf. Lk. 3:21,22

16 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1— John 1:1-18

Study 1 From the Book of John is: John 1:1-18

  1. Why is Jesus here called 'the Word'? What is His relation to God; to the world; to men? See the whole passage.
  2. Who does not, and who does become a child of God? By what means is one brought into this new status?
  3. Note all the allusions to 'light' and associated ideas (e.g., 'glory') in this passage. How much of the purpose of Jesus' coming does this explain?
Note. Verse 16. 'Grace upon grace' i.e., one grace succeeding another.