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10 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — Mark 8:1-26

Study 16 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 8: 1-26

  1. What characteristic features in the Lord Jesus stand out in the miracle of 8:1-9? Cf. Mt. 6:33. Of what was His provision a sign?
  2. Why did Christ warn the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod (verse 15)? Why did He question them about the miracles that had recently taken place?  How do thought and reflection of this kind help us to grow spiritually?
  3. Verses 22-26.  What may we learn from this incident about the way and the cost of leading someone in need to experience the saving power of Christ?
Note.  Verse 15.  The word ‘leaven’ used here symbolically refers to the unseen pervasive influence of sin.

09 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — Mark 7: 24-37

Study 15 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 7: 24-37

  1. Why did Jesus at first seem to refuse the woman’s request (cf. Mt. 15:24), and why did He use such harsh words? What can we learn from her response, and from the Lord’s answer to her further plea?
  2. Assuming that the deaf and dumb man knew little or nothing about Jesus due to his limitation, what would the strange actions of Jesus mean to him? How would they help him to respond in faith?
  3. Is there anything we can learn here about personal witness from the example of those who brought their deaf and dumb friend to Jesus?
Note.  Verse 27.  The ‘dogs’ is an expression of contempt and disgust. In many parts of the East the dog is still basically a scavenger and by its very nature unclean and a potential carrier of disease.

08 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Mark 7:1-23

Study 14 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 7:1-23

  1. No-one would dispute the earnestness of the Pharisees in observing genuine historical traditions, aimed at the honouring of God.  Why then should Christ use such strong language in condemning then (verse 6), and how does He show up their inconsistency?
  2. Notice in verses 21-23 that Christ makes no distinction between sins of thought and sins of deed; they all alike defile a man.  Cf. Mt. 5:28. Are we seeking deliverance from the uncleanness of an evil heart? Or, like the Pharisees, are we content with a fair appearance outwardly?
  3. Verses 17, 18a.  Why do you think the discipleship were so slow to understand some of Christ’s simplest teaching? Are we perhaps also at fault here? If so, what ought we to do about it? Cf. Jn. 14:26.
  1. Verse 3. ‘The tradition of the elders’: i.e., rules and regulations drawn up by past generations of scribes to guide people how to act.  The Pharisees were those who made it their aim to walk strictly according to this ‘tradition’. They regarded themselves, and were regarded by others, as ‘the righteous’.
  2. Verse 6. ‘The Lord here both quotes Scripture and adds to it, thereby interpreting it’ and establishing His own authority.

07 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — Mark 6:30-56

Study 13 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 6:30-56

  1. What lesson did the disciples need to learn before Christ could use them in feeding the crowd? Are there similar lessons we need to learn before we can be of use to Him?
  2. Verses 45-53. It seems from the situation described here that the disciples got into difficulty as a result of obedience to Christ’s command.  What light does this throw upon the life of discipleship with its trials and deliverances? Why does it say in verse 48 ‘He meant to pass by them’? Cf. Lk. 24:28, 29.
Note.  Verse 48. ‘The fourth watch’: i.e., the last watch, beginning about 3: a.m.

06 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — Mark 6:6b-30

Study 12 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 6:6b-30

  1. What can we learn (a) from our Lord’s method of preparing His disciples for the work which He intended them later more fully to do, and (b) from such details as ‘two by two’, to take nothing for their journey’ (cf. Mt. 10:10) ‘enter a house’ and ‘stay there’ ‘if… they refuse to hear you’, ‘they…preached that men should repent’?
  2. How would you sum up Herod’s character? What were the cause of this failure?
Note. 6:7, 30.  Another new beginning—the first mission of the Twelve; and so, when they return to report, they are temporarily called ‘apostles’ or ‘missioners’.

05 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — Mark 5:21 – 6:6a

Study 11 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 5:21 – 6:6a

  1. These three incidents all emphasize the same necessity for any who would enjoy the experience of Christ’s saving power.  What is it? Why is it sometimes lacking? What must it resist?
  2. Why were the disciples puzzled by the question of Jesus (5:30, 31)? Why did Jesus wait for a trembling woman to speak in public before a crowd? What had she to give which no-one else there possessed? Do you possess it, and are you giving it—particularly before people who think that contact with Christ makes no difference?
Note. 5:30, 31. ‘Who?’: this word is in the singular, i.e., ‘What one person?’

04 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Mark 4:21-34

Study 9 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 4:21-34

  1. 4: 35-41. What were the disciples surprised at in Jesus, and what was He surprised at in them? What was He both testing and teaching by leading them into such an experience? Why did this miracle mean more to them than anything which they had yet seen Jesus do?
  2. 5:1-20. Contrast men’s way of treating the demoniac with what Jesus did for him.  In which way is the power of evil active in my life being dealt with?
  3. Why did the people ‘beg Jesus to depart’ (5:17) and why did Jesus leave the healed demoniac behind? What may be the best form of witness in a home or neighbourhood that seems not to want Christ?
  1. 4:40. It is significant that Jesus did not rebuke men used to sailing on the Sea of Galilee for their failure to bring Him safely through the storm.
  2. 5:1-20.  This happened in Decapolis, on the south-east side of the lake, in Gentile territory.  The use of the title ‘Most High God’ (verse 7) and the local keeping of swine (verse 11) confirm this.

03 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — Mark 4:1-20

Study 8 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 4:1-20

1.      What does this parable teach concerning (a) the reasons why even the teaching of Jesus failed to produce fruit in the lives of many of the hearers; (b) the method by which the kingdom comes in this present age; (c) the criteria by which true success is measured in gospel preaching?
2.     ‘He who has ears to hear, let him hear’. Is the Word of God finding entrance into my heart (verse 15)? Is it taking deep root (verses 16, 17)? Am I allowing some other crop to mature in my heart (verses 18, 19)? What measure of fruit is being produced in my life (verse 20)? Cf. Heb. 3:7, 8.
1.        A new method in Jesus’s teaching begins here.  The first parable is itself an indication of the purpose of teaching by parables.  See verse 13. Such a method brings hearers under judgment, and finds out the truly responsive. The real cause of blindness to the truth is unwillingness to repent and to be forgiven.  Those who, as disciples, are responsive are given fuller understanding.  See verse 34.
2.     Verse 11. ‘The secret’ or ‘mystery’ (AV and RV); this is not something which cannot be understood.  Rather it is something specialty disclosed by divine revelation to those who are ready to understand it. ‘The secret of the kingdom of God’s is the content of the gospel of Christ.  Cf. Eph. 3:4; 6:19.

02 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Mark Revision: Mark 1-3

Study 7 From The Book of Mark is: Mark Revision of Chapter 1-3

1.      What strikes you most about Jesus in Mark’s picture of Him at the beginning of His ministry? Of what truths was Jesus most concerned to make people aware? In other words, what is the essence of ‘the gospel of God’ which He preached?
2.     What different kinds of reaction and result did the activity of Jesus provoke? To which class of people was Jesus prepared to give most? What must I be prepared to do to belong to this class? What may I then expect Him to give me? 

01 April, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Mark 3:19b -35

Study 6 From The Book of Mark is: Mark 3:19b -35

1.      Note the official source and the evil character of the opposition which Jesus now had to meet. His reply to their accusation falls into three parts: (a) He disproves their assertion; (b) He sets forth the true explanation of His power over evil spirits; (c) He gives a solemn warning. State His argument in your own words.
2.     Jesus here distinguishes His spiritual kinsmen from His human relatives.  Why did the latter misunderstand Him? How do the former reveal their kinship with Him?
1.      Verses 19b-21 are connected with verses 31-35. The words ‘his friends’ in verse 21 mean literally ‘they from His home’, and might be translated ‘His family’.
2.     Verses 29, 30.  The scribes’ sin was unforgivable because it was a defiant rejection of God-given light.  They were knowingly calling good evil and holy unclean.