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16 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — Proverbs 15:24-16:33

Study 11 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 15:24-16:33

1.      How does 15:24-33 illustrate what has been called ‘the sanity of religion’?
2.      Gather out what is said in today’s portion about the Lord, and about man’s proper attitude to Him.
3.      Consider in 16:27-30 the multiplied evil wrought by evil men. Cf. Jas. 3:6-10.

15 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — Proverbs 14:22 – 15:23

Study 10 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 14:22 – 15:23

1.      What is said in this passage about the beneficent effects of right words?
2.      What is said about ‘the Lord’?  How may we discern the fear of the Lord in our own hearts?
3.      Can I claim to have the four things making for satisfaction which are enumerated in 15:13-17?

14 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Proverbs 13:1 – 14:21

Study 9 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 13:1 – 14:21

1.      ‘Consider the outcome of their life’ Heb. 13:7). What is said in today’s portion concerning the outcome of their life in the case of the righteous and of the wicked respectively?
2.      Gather out what is taught about ‘fools’ and ‘folly’. If we are wise, what should be the manner of our life (a) in relation to the Word, (b) in relation to our neighbours, and (c) in conduct and speech?

13 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — Proverbs 11:14-12:28

Study 8  From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 11:14-12:28

1.      What two kinds of sin or sinners are said in this passage to be as abomination to the Lord?
2.      What other sins are here condemned?  In what verses are they traced to their origin in the heart?  Cf. 4:23; Mt. 12:34, 35; 15:18, 19.
3.      Apply to yourself the five principles for the using of money expressed in 11:24-28.

12 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Proverbs 10:1-11:13

Study 7 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 10:1-11:13

1.      In 10:2-6 there are four conditions of well-being in circumstances, mind and character.  What are they?
2.      In the light of Jas. 3:10, what uses of the faculty of speech are here (a) commended, and (b) to be avoided.
3.      What will the possession of integrity secure for a man (11:1-13)?

11 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Proverbs 9

Study 6 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 9

1.      Set 9:1-6 and 9:13-18 side by side. In what respects are wisdom and folly (9:13, RV mg.) alike, and wherein do they differ?
2.      In my reactions to criticism and advice, do I show any of the symptoms of the scoffer or the wise man, as shown in verses 7-9?

10 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Proverbs 8

Study 5 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 8

1.      Contrast the description of wisdom with that of the woman in 7:5-27. How do they differ in speech, in conduct, in what they offer, and in the goal to which they lead their followers?
2.      What is said of wisdom in verses 22-31 concerning (a) its existence from the beginning; (b) its part in creation; (c) its communion with God; (d) its interest in man? Consider how in all these respects there is here a foreshadowing of Christ. Cf., e.g.’ (a) Jn. 17:5; (b) Jn. 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17; (c) Mt. 11:27; (d) Heb. 2:17, 18.
3.      What similar but greater gifts than those which wisdom offers in 8:32-36 are offered in Christ? Cf., e.g., Mt. 11:29; Lk. 11:28; Jn. 14:21; 17:2, 3:3:36.

09 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Proverbs 6 and 7

Study 4 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 6 and 7

1.      Verses 1-5 give warning against foolish financial commitments and pledges.  What other warnings are given in these chapters?
2.      In what forms do the sins here spoken of manifest themselves at the present day?
3.      Test your life in the light of 6:16-19.

08 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Proverbs 4 and 5

Study 3 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 4 and 5

1.      What are the main lessons that the speaker seeks in these chapters to impress upon us?  What heed have I given, and am I giving, so these most urgent counsels?
2.      4:23-27 provide an admirable guide to successful living. Heart, lips, eyes, feet:  what directions are given concerning each? Note how much is implied for the Christian by verse 18.
3.      What are the results, at various levels, of neglecting this way of wisdom? See 4:19;  5:9-14; 5:21-23.

07 September, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Proverbs 2 and 3

Study 2 From The Book of Proverbs Is: Proverbs 2 and 3

1.      What directions are given in these chapters for the attaining of wisdom? Make a list of them as a guide to your own life.
2.      What benefits does wisdom brings us, and from what evils does it preserve us? How far have I proved this in my own experience?
3.      ‘My son’: what application does the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews give to these words? Cf. Heb. 12:5-10.