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27 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 17 — Psalms 23 and 24

Study 17  From The Book of Psalms  Is:  Psalms 23& 24

  1. David knows the Lord as His shepherd. In Ps. 23 note the effect this has upon his thoughts about his present and his future.  Has your knowledge of the Lord had this effect for you?
  2. From Ps. 24 what do we learn of the Lord? What is required, therefore of those who worship Him?
Note. Ps. 24 was probably written for the occasion when David brought the ark of God to Jerusalem. See 2 Sa. 6

26 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — Psalm 22:22-31

Study 16  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 22:22-31

  1. Trace in these verses the happy results of the sufferings described in verses 1:21. Note (a) how far-reaching is their effect, and (b) to whom they mean most.
  2. List those things that are stated will be the reaction of people to the deliverance of the sufferer, and see how far this is true of your own reaction to the resurrection of Jesus-Christ.
Note. Verse 22. This is applied to Christ in Heb. 2:12

25 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — Psalm 22:1-21

Study 15  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 22:1-21

  1. Note the things that seem to make the sufferings here described the harder to bear.  How closely does this psalm picture the sufferings of Christ? Cf. Mt. 27:35-46; Jn. 19:23, 24.
  2. In these sufferings upon what does the faith of this man say itself?

24 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — Psalm 20 and 21

Study 14  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 20 and 21

These two psalms are closely linked together. In Ps. 20 a battle is about to take place between the king of Israel at the head of his people and his foes.  Sacrifices have been offered, and the king and his people commit their cause in faith to God. In Ps. 21 the battle is won, and the people give thanks to God for their king and look forward to further victories.

  1. What does Ps. 20 reveal is the attitude of the king and his people as they set out against their foes? On what is the confidence of verses 6 based? Is this sort of confidence characteristic of God’s people today?
  2.  Ps. 21 falls into two parts, verse 1:7 and 8-12, with a concluding prayer.  To whom is the first part addressed, and to whom the second? In what ways does what is said of the king find its fulfilment in Christ?

23 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — Psalm 19

Study 13  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 19

  1. God has revealed Himself in His creation. What do the things the psalmist mentions in verses 1-6 tell us about God Cf. Mt. 5:45; Rom. 1:19-21
  2. Contrast this with the revelation given in ‘the law of the Lord’ (verses 7-11). Note how great the advance, both in clearness and in fullness of effect. Note in particular its effect upon the psalmist (verses 12-14). Is your study of God’s Word producing similar results in your experience?
Note verse 4.  ‘Their voice’: the Hebrew (see mg.) says ‘line’, i.e, their ‘measuring line’. Cf. Je. 31:39. The boundary or extent of their message is earth’s farthest limit.

22 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — Psalm 18:31-50

Study 12  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 18:31-50

  1. Make a list of all that God did for David as set forth in these verses. What corresponding help may we expect from Him in spiritual service? Cf. 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 1:19.
  2. Verse 49 is in Rom. 15:9 referred to Christ.  Does this mean that the whole psalm can be taken as being in some way prophetic of Christ? If so, what does it draw attention?

21 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — Psalms 18:1-30

Study 11  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 18:1-30

  1. David begins by expressing his love for the Lord (verses 1-3). God was to him a rock, fortress, shield and stronghold.  What are the equivalent defences and securities in which men trust today? Is God to you all that these can give, and more?  Cf. Hab. 3:17, 18; Heb. 13: 5, 6.
  2. From David’s testimony concerning God’s answer to his prayer, what can we learn as to (a) God’s power to help, (b) the sort of person God will help, and (c) the reasons why this help will be forthcoming?
  1. Verses 9-16 are probably not intended to be taken literally, but as a poetic description in vivid imagery of the strength and majesty with which God came to David’s aid.
  2. Verse 29a. There is a possible allusion here to 1 Sa. 30:8; and in verse 29b to 2 Sa. 5:6, 7

20 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — Psalm 17

Study 10  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalm 17

  1. In verses 1-7 on what two grounds does David base his plea? Cf. 1Jn. 3: 21, 22.
  2. Contrast the inward character, the aims and the actions of David and his enemies as revealed in this psalm. In what ways do you resemble David, and in what ways his enemies?

19 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Psalms 15 and 16

Study 9  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalms 15 and 16

  1. Go through Ps. 15 verse by verse, and use it as a test for your own life and holiness.  Then turn to 1 Jn. 1:8, 9.
  2. What according to Ps. 16 are the marks of the believing man (verses 1-4)? What his privileges (verses 5-8)? And what his prospects (verses 9-11)?
  1. 15:5a. Cf. Lv.25:35-38; Dt. 23:19, 20. The laws against usury were enacted more as a protection of the poor than against the legitimate use of capital in the interests of trade. Cf.. Mt. 25:27.
  2. 16:10. Quoted by Peter (Acts 2:27) and by Paul (Acts 13:35) with reference to Christ. As with Ps. 15, the psalm is fulfilled in Him, and in us through Him.

18 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — Psalms 13 and 14

Study 8  From The Book of Psalms  Is: Psalms 13 and 14

  1. In Ps.13 what is David having to endure? And how does he avoid depression and despair?
  2. What can we learn from Ps. 14 about the fundamental reasons why men say, “There is no God’? Cf. 2 Cor. 4:3, 4.  How should this affect our approach to such people? How are they sometimes made aware of the living God?