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13 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 22 — Genesis 29:13-30

Study 22 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 29:13-30

     1.      Compare Laban’s trickery in his deals with Jacob’s earlier trickery in his dealings with Esau and with Isaac.  Can we discern God’s hand here? What practical lessons did Jacob thus learn?  See 31:42; 32:10-12.

     2.     Are the determination and energy shown by Jacob here a new feature in his life? Do you, like him, have a purpose and object in life to give you a similar single-mindedness?

Note: Verse 27 seems to mean that Jacob had to fulfill the week of wedding festivities for Leah; then he received Rachel and served seven more years for her after marrying her.  See 30:25, 26; 31:41.

12 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 21 — Genesis 27:46-28:22

Study 21 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 27:46-28:22

1.     How does the fundamental difference between the two brothers now manifest itself increasingly? What truth concerning God’s choice does Isaac now explicitly recognize?

2.     What was the significance of Jacob’s dream? At what point in his experience did it happen? Of what great truth was he ten made aware concerning (a) God, and (b) God’s purpose for his own life? What response did he make? How far have you gone in similarly making God’s promises your own?

11 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 20 — Genesis 27:1-45

……and we are back to Genesis again…

Study 20 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Genesis 27:1-45

    1.     Trace the parts played by each of the actors in the story.  What motive influenced each one? Why was God pleased to bless Jacob?  Cf. Rom. 9:10-13.

    2.     What was the nature of Esau’s grief (verses 34-38)? Did it have anything to do with repentance? Cf. Heb.12:17;2 Cor. 7:10.

10 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 47 — Luke 19:11-28

Study 47 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 19:11-28

Tomorrow we will go back to remaining of the book of Genesis 27-50.  Afterwards, we will come back to the book -of Luke once again to finish it.

   1.     What does the parable teach (a) about the present responsibility of the followers of Jesus, and (b) about future judgement?

   2.     Was the third servant’s excuse a valid one? On what grounds was he condemned? What is his case intended to teach?

09 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 46 — 18:35-19:10

Study 46 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 18:35-19:10

    1.     Compare and contrast these two men in their need and their attitude to Jesus.  What may we learn from the different way in which Jesus dealt with each?

    2.     Who took the initiative in the salvation of Zacchaeus?  What may we learn from the expression of his repentance?

                                      STUDY 45

Search The Scriptures — Study 45 — Luke 18:18-34

Study 45 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 18:18-34

    1.    Verses 18-30.  What did this ruler lack?  Why are possessions so dangerous?

    2.     Do you see any connection between the radical demand of verses 22 and 29, and Jesus’ own self-sacrifice (verses 31-33)? Cf. 1 Pet. 2:21.

07 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 44 — Luke 18:1-17

Study 44 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 18:1-17

     1.      Verses 1-8. Why ought we to be persistent in prayer? How does the parable illustrate this? Note the elements both of comparison and of contrast.

     2.     Verse 9-14. What was the Pharisee’s error? Was he wrong to give thanks? What does God require in Prayer?

     3.     Verse 17. To what characteristics of children do you think Jesus was referring?


06 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 43 — Luke 17:20-37

Study 43 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 17:20-37

    1.     What does Jesus here teach concerning the nature of (a) the kingdom of God, and (b) the coming of the Son of man? What is the difference, and what the connection?

    2.     What aspects of His return does Jesus here emphasize? How will it find the world? And how should it find His own people?

Note.  Verse 37.  The figurative language (cf. Jb. 39:27-30) suggest that, ‘Where there is spiritual decay, judgement will come.’ Or, is it perhaps a proverbial saying meaning simply, ‘When the time is ripe, it will happen.’


05 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 42 — Luke 17:1-19

search the srciptures

Study 42 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:
Luke 17:1-19

      1 Verses 1-10.  Four characteristics of a true disciple are presented in these verses. Can you sum them up in four words? Note the demands for personal application (verses 3-10); and the need to pray for an increase (verse 5) in such qualities.

2.     Verses 11-19.  What was required before the men could be healed? And what did Jesus expect of them afterwards? Can we learn anything from this for our own prayers?

04 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 41 — Luke 16:14-31

Study 41 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 16:14-31

1.     For what was the rich man punished? In what way does this parable reinforce the lesson of verse 9?

2.     What does the parable teach about the reality of future punishment and the means of avoiding it? What ought men to be doing now? And why?

Note. Verses 16, 17. The ministry of John the Baptist marked the end of the Jewish prerogative. Men of every race and kind could from now on press into the kingdom.  Yet the moral law remained unchanged; e.g., verse 18, the sanctity of marriage.