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30 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 20 — 2 Chronicles 34 and 35

Study 20  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 34 and 35

        1-    At what age did Josiah begin to seek the Lord? What effects did this have on his subsequent life both publicly and privately?
         2-    What was the effect of the finding of the book of the law (a) upon Josiah, and (b) through him upon the nation? Cf. Ps. 119:59, 60. Is the Word of God having the same effect upon you, and through your life?
         3-    What does 34:23-28 teach concerning (a) the inevitable consequences of sin (cf. Dt. 11:26-28), and (b) God’s attitude to the sincere penitent?
        1-    34:14. ‘The book of the law’ was quite likely the Deuteronomy (cf. Dt. 31:26).
        2-    35:3. It is usually assumed that the ark had been taken out of the holy of holies during the repairs, and that the Levites were now bidden to restore it, with the assurance that they would not again be asked to undertake this work. Cf. I Ch 23:26.
         3-    34:28 and 35:24. Josiah was spared from witnessing god’s anger poured out upon Judah (34:25) by his death, and thus may be said to have died  ‘in peace’.

29 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 19 — 2 Chronicles 33

Study 19  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 33

        1-    Make a list of Manasseh’s idolatrous deeds, as described in verses 3-9. It has been termed ‘a very delirum of Idolatry’ and was done in the face of protest and rebuke (verses 10, 18).
       2-    What means did God use to bring Manasseh to his senses? And what may we learn from this as to one of the purposes of human sufferings?
       3-    What marks of true repentance are seen in Manasseh after his restoration? In what ways could it have gone further?
               1-    Verse 6. A reference to human sacrifice in honour of the god Molech. Cf. 2 Ki. 23:10; Je. 7:31.
              2-    Verse 14. ‘Ophel’: a mound south of the Temple. Cf. 27:3.

28 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — 2 Chronicles 31: 2 – 32:33

Study 18  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 31:2 – 32:33

       1-    How far was Hezekiah’s thoroughness in all matters connected with religion the secret of his success? See especially 31:20, 21. Cf. Rom. 12:11; Col. 3:23.
       2-    What lessons can we learn from the way in which Hezekiah met opposition?
       3-    How far did this spiritually -minded king fall short of perfection? How may we learn from him?
            1-    32:1. This reference to Hezekiah’s faithfulness (31:20) is introduced to show that the coming of Senacherib was not because he had sinned.
           2-      32:5 Archaeologists think ‘the Millo’ at Jerusalem was probably part of the fortifications or the foundations for them.

27 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 17 — 2 Chronicles 29:1 – 31:1

Study 17 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 29:1 – 31:1

       1-    Hezekiah as king desired to reform the religious life of the nation, and worked urgently to a definite plan. What steps did he follow? Note his speed (29:3; 30:2) and his priorities (29:16-21).
       2-    What evidence do you find that the Passover (chapter 30) was not merely an outward form, but betokened a genuine turning back to God? What sign were there of true spiritual revival?

Note 30:2, 3, 13, 15. The king availed himself of the provision in the law which allowed the Passover to be kept in the second month, instead of the first. (see Nu. 9:10, 11), and thus avoided having to wait almost a year.

26 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — 2 Chronicles 26 - 28

Study 16 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 26 – 28

         1-    How was it revealed that in Uzziah’s heart notwithstanding his piety (26:5), there lurked the same evil tendency that had marred the life and reign of his father Amaziah before him? With 26:16, cf. 25:19; Dt. 17:18-20. What forms might his sin take today?
        2-    How did the sin of Ahaz affect (a) God, (b) His people, and (c) himself?
        3-    In the midst of a godless age how did Obed, the prophet, and the men mentioned in 28:12 stand out? What may we learn from their example? Cf. 1 Tim. 5:20.
            1-    26:5. ‘Zechariah’: not otherwise known, and not the prophet of the biblical book who lived at a later period.
           2-    26:18. See Nu. 18:40; 18:7.

25 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — 2 Chronicles 25

Study15  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 25

        1-    What would you say was the chief fault in Amaziah’s character? How does the chapter illustrate the description of him in verse 2? See, on the one hand, verses 3, 4, 7-10;  also 26:4 and, on the other hand, 25:14-16, 27.  Cf. Je. 17:9.
         2-    How does Amaziah’s career, wit its gradual drift away from God, show the peril of a half-hearted loyalty to Christ?

Note. Verse 10. The hired soldiers had been hoping for loot and plunder’ hence their anger. See also verse 13.

24 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 2 Chronicles 24

Study 14 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 24

      1-    Joash was a weak character, who leant on others. To whom did he listen? What were the consequences? What lessons may we learn? Cf. 2 Tim. 2:1
       2-    Why was the stoning of Zechariah a peculiarly a flagrant crime?

Note. Verse 16. This was a signal and unique honour. Contrast verse 25.

23 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21

Study 13  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21

        1-    Planning:  Why had Jehoiada to wait seven years? What lessons may we learn from this for ourselves? Cf. Hab. 2:3. Why did he have confidence that the plan would succeed?
        2-    Action: What lessons in careful planning and organization can we learn from Jehoiada in our service of Christ?
        3-    Success: Jehoiada was not content with half measures. How did he follow up his victory? See 23:16-20.
           1-    23:2, 3. This was the preliminary gathering, secretly convened in the Temple, in which all present pledged their loyalty to the boy king.
          2-    23:11. ‘The Testimony’: i.e., the book of the law. Cf. Dt. 17:18-20.

22 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — 2 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:9

Study 12 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:9

        1-    Identify the sins here recorded of Jehoram. How did God deal with him, and why? To what did he owe this survival?
        2-    How far was the low state under Jehoram and Ahaziah directly traceable to the mistaken step of Jehoshaphat as recorded in 18:1? What does this illustrate concerning the character and consequences of some sins?

21 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — 2 Chronicles 19 and 20

Study 11 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 19 and 20

        1-    In the beginning of Jehoshaphat’s reign he continued the policy of maintaining fortified cities for defence against Israel. But, later he made peace with Israel through a marriage alliance (18:1; 21:6).  How was this alliance with Ahab rebuked, and on what grounds? Cf. 2 Cor. 6:14; see also 2 Ch. 20:35-37.
        2-    After this rebuke, what further steps did Jehoshaphat take to establish true religion in the land?
        3-    When peril came, what did Jehoshaphat do first? What impresses you most in this story?
Note. 20:2. ‘Engedi’: on the western shore of the Dead Sea, and therefore not far from Jerusalem.

20 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — 2 Chronicles 17 and 18

Study 10 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 17 and 18 

        1-    The chronicler gives four chapters to the reign of Jehoshaphat, who was one of the best of the kings of Judah. What, according to chapter 17, were the reasons for his prosperity?  Note the word ‘therefore’ in verse 5. What method did Jehoshaphat introduce to give religious instruction to the people?
       2-    Chapter 18. How did Micah seed to proclaim the word of God, and what difficulties did he encounter? What may we learn from him concerning faithfulness in such ministry
      3- In what ways do the characters of Jehoshaphat and Ahab differ?

19 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — 2 Chronicles 15 and 16

Study 9 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 15 and 16

       1-    Can you find in Azariah’s message (15:2-7) (a) a fundamental history, (c) an exhortation, and (d) a promise?
        2-    Chapter 15. How thoroughly and with what success were these lessons heeded by Asa (see especially verse 15)? Cf. Je. 29:13; Mt. 11:29.
         3-    In what ways did Asa backslide  in his later years, and what were the consequences?

18 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — 2 Chronicles 13 and 14

Study 8 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 13 and 14

         1-    Chapter 13. Jeroboam had the advantages of numbers (verse 3) and of military skill (verse 13), and he, too, had received promises from God (cf). I Ki. 11:29-39). What, then, gave Judah the victory? Cf. verse 18 with 1 Ki. 12:28-33.
         2-    Chapter 14. What did Asa do to mark him out as ‘Good and right’ in peace and war?
          3-    What is the connection between 14:2-4 and 14:1, 12?  Cf. 1 Jn. 3:21, 22; 5:3, 4. If Asa had not set God and His commandments in the forefront of his endeavours, could he have prayed with such confidence or won so great a victory?
Note.  13:5. ‘By a covenant of salt’: i.e., a binding covenant, not to be broken. Cf. Nu. 18:19.

17 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — 2 Chronicles 11 and 12

Study 7 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 11 and 12

        1-    Was Rehoboam good or evil? Was there a fundamental fault in his character? Cf. Jas. 1:8.
       2-    What did Shemaiah achieve on the two occasions when he intervened in national life, and how was he able to do this? Is there a parallel between his work and that of a Christian today?
      3-    What lesson did God mean to teach through Shishak’s invasion?

16 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — 2 Chronicles 9 and 10

Study 6 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 9 and 10

           1-    What was the Queen of Sheba’s testimony concerning Solomon? Has something similar been your experience of Christ? Cf. Phil. 3:8.
          2-    What led Rehoboam to make such a disastrous mistake? What did he lack that Solomon possessed? Cf. 1 Ki. 3:28.
            1-    Chapter 9. Another side to the portrait of Solomon is found in 1 Ki. 11:1-13, and provides a background to the disruption. Note also 2 Ch.10:4.
             2-    From chapter 10 onwards students are advised to make a list of the kings of Judah as they work through the rest of the book, and to note the biblical assessment of each (e.g., good or evil), with a brief mention of his contribution to the nation’s religious life.

15 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — 2 Chronicles 7 and 8

Study 5 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 7 and 8

         1-    God’s immediate answer to Solomon’s prayer is given in 7:1-3. What effect had it upon the people? Cf. Lv. 9:24. How far should God’s mercies affect us?
          2-    God gave a further answer to Solomon privately in the form of a promise and a warning (7:12-22). What were the conditions upon which Solomon’s petitions were to be granted? Do I fear the fulfilment of God’s warnings as I desire the fulfilment of His promises?

14 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 2 Chronicles 6:12-42

Study 4 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 6:12-42

                  1-    On what grounds does Solomon base his prayer? See verses 14, 15 and 42. What three main petitions does he present in verses 16-21, and into what seven specific requests does he expand the third of these?
                     2-    What conditions does Solomon’s prayer suggest as being essential to effective prayer?

13 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — 2 Chronicles 5:2 – 6:11

Study 3 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 5:2 – 6:11

        1-    This was one of the great days in Israel’s history. How does Solomon interpret its significance in 6:1-11?
        2-    We, who belong to the new covenant, are ourselves the temple of God (1 Cor. 3: 16; 6:19). Is there any parallel between the place given here to the ark and the place we should give to Christ in our hearts? What is the ground of Christian praise, and what corresponds, to the glory which ‘filled the house’?
Note. 5:5. See Note on 1:3

12 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — 2 Chronicles 3: 1-5 – 5:1

Study 2  From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 3: 1-5 – 5:1

        1-    All that human skill and wealth could do (note how many times the word ‘gold’ occurs in these chapters) was done. Yet it was still inadequate. Why? See Heb. 9:1-10, which, though spoken of the Tabernacle, is equally applicable to the Temple.

       2-    Solomon’s Temple has long since passed away (see 36:19), and the Temples that succeeded it also. Is there, then, today a place where men may draw near to God? See Heb. 10:19-22, ‘Let us draw near…’

Note. 3:3. ‘The old standard’: a reference to the cubit in use before the exile, which was a handbreadth larger than that used later.

11 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — 2 Chronicles 1 and 2

Study 1 From the Book of 2 Chronicles is: 2 Chronicles 1 and 2

      1-    How did Solomon inaugurate his reign?
      2-    How do Solomon’s request (1:10) and God’s response illustrate Mt. 6:33 In my praying what do I ‘seek first’?
      3-    What characterized the way in which Solomon went about the preparations for building the Temple? Is my service of God comparable?
Note. 1:3.  ‘The tent of meeting?: this was the Tabernacle used in the wilderness. After the Israelites entered Canaan, it was first pitched in Shiloh (Jos. Gibeon. Later Solomon brought it to Jerusalem (2 Ch. 5:5), where it was probably stored and finally perished.

10 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 111 — Psalms 137 and 138

Study 111 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 137 and 138

With this study we end, for now, the study of the book of psalms. Tomorrow, we will start with 2 Chronicles.

Ps. 137. The psalmist expresses the deep feeling of the exiles in Babylon, as the stinging experience of hostile surroundings and treatment, and the memory of the cherished city of Jerusalem, now a mass of rubble and ruin, overwhelm them.
          1-   Ps. 137. What interest and concern made the captives in Babylon weep rather than sing? Do you ever feel any similar constraint?
             2-   Whence does the writer of Ps. 138 gain the conviction that God is at work in his life? Examine the details of his confidence. How much of his confession can you make your own?
3-   137:6, 7. What place ought we to give in our thought, prayer and preaching to divine vengeance and just recompense? Cf. Ezk. 25:12-14; Rom. 12:19-21.

09 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 110 — Psalm 136

Study 110 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 136

The psalm divides into a call to give thanks (verses 1-3), a description of God in His creative acts (verses 4-9), and then in His acts of salvation (verses 10-22), ending with a deduction and summary (verses 23-26).
          1-   By what titles is God described? See verses 1-3 and 26, and cf. Dt. 10:17; Ne. 1: 4, 5.  What acts demonstrate the appropriateness of these titles? And how do these acts show God’s ‘steadfast love’?
      2-   What permanent lessons does the psalmist draw out? Compare the same themes in Ps. 107.

08 November, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 109 — Psalm 135

Study 109 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 135

1-   Who are summoned to praise the Lord? Why is it so reasonable to do so? See verses 1-5.
2-     As is so often the case, the thought goes back to God both as the Creator and the Redeemer. Why are these two activities so significant. What does each reveal about God in contrast to idols, and what should contemplation of them move us to do?