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11 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — Matthew 7:1-12

Study 9 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 7:1-12
      1.      Compare verses 1-5 with verses 6, 16; and see Jn. 7:24.  If judging is not always wrong, what is our Lord here condemning?
      2.     What is he teaching of verses 7:12 on the practice of prayers? What place is there for persistency, and what place for trusting? Is there any conflict between these two ideas?
Note. Verse 6.  This indicates that, while Christians must not be guilty od condemning anyone, they must learn to discriminate in their witness cf. Pr. 9:8.

10 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — Matthew 6:19-32

Study 8 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 6:19-32
      1.     Verses 19-24 are a word to the rich. What should be a Christian’s attitude to material possessions? In what way do these verses portray the character and danger of worldliness?
     2.     Verses 25-34 are a word to the not-so-rich. Note the recurrence of the phrase ‘Do not be anxious’, and list the reasons given why anxiety is wrong.
Note.  Verse 23. An eye which is ‘not sound’ or ‘evil’ signifies a covetous or niggardly disposition. Cf. Dt. 15:9; Pr. 28:22; Mt. 20:15. (mg.)

09 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Matthew 6: 1-18

Study 7 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 6: 1-18
     1.      What was wrong with the religion of the scribes and Pharisees, here called ‘hypocrites’ and what kind of religion does our Lord commend in contrast?  Cf. Je. 17:10.  How do you ‘practice your piety’ (verse 1)
     2.     In the Lord’s prayer, what may we learn (a) from the order of the petition, and (b) from the kind of subjects which are particularly mentioned? What must be our relation (a) to God, and (b) to our fellow-men, if we are to make it our prayer?
Note. Verses 2, 5, 16. The word ‘hypocrite’ means an actor, i.e., one who plays a part. 

08 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Matthew 5: 17-48

Study 6 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 5:17-48
      1.      Our Lord demonstrates His respect for the law in verses 17-20. What does verse 20 mean? What does verse 20 mean? Does it leave us any hope? Cf.  Rom. 3: 20-22; 8:3, 4. In what way does our Lord make the law more demanding?
     2.     What is the relevance in our modern world of Christ’s teaching in verses 33-48 on the subject of oaths and taking vengeance? Consider the application of the question in verse 47, ‘What more are you doing than others?’ to the whole subject of Christian love.
3.     Comparing verses 31, 32, with 19: 3-9, what is our Lord’s teaching on the sanctity of marriage and the possibility of divorce?
1.      Verse 18.  ‘Not an iota, not a dot’: a reference to the smallest letter or significant part of a letter in the Hebrew language.
2.     Verse 48. ‘perfect’ has more the meaning of ‘mature’ or full -grown than any concept of sinless perfection. Cf. Lk. 6:36.

07 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Matthew 5: 1-16

Study 5 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 5: 1-16
     1.      Describe the qualities of the happy life as detailed in verses 1-12.  What makes them such?  To what rewards do they lead, and why?
    2.     Verses 13-16.  What is the significance of the two metaphors with which our Lord describes the relation to the world of those who belong to the kingdom? And in what ways does He warn them that they may fail to exercise their proper function?

Note.  Verse 3. ‘Poor in spirit’: i. e., aware of their spiritual poverty and of their need of divine help. Cf. Is. 57:15; Lk. 18:13.

06 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Matthew 4

Study 4 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 4
     1.      Consider the temptations of Jesus as a testing of the kind of ministry He was going to exercise.  What was the special point of appeal in each temptation? Can you link these three typical temptations with the threefold division of 1 John. 2:16?
    2.     In what way do verses 1-11 help us to understand the meaning of temptation and the way in which Satan may be defeated?
3.     What was Christ’s first message?  Try to define repentance. Cf. Acts 2:38; 20:21; Lk. 15:18; Mt. 3:8. What further demand did He make on those who became disciples and why? Has your response to Christ been of this kind?
Note. The incidents recorded in Jn. 1:29 – 4:3 must have happened between verses 11 and 12 of this chapter.

05 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Matthew 3

Study 3 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 3
      1.      John the Baptist saw himself as preparing the way for Christ (verse 3). In what ways did he do this through (a) his preaching, and (b) his administration of baptism?
      2.     What do verses 13-15 tell us about the importance of His baptism to Jesus? How do you link this moment with the cross? Cf. Ps. 40:7-8; Lk. 12:50; 2 Cor. 5:21.  Can you see the Trinity clearly at work in these verses?